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The girl collapsed to the dusty ground, her limbs shaking as she looked to her leaders, their eyes burning with disgust. She whispered something, before pulling herself up, straighting her back and stretching her limbs before walking over to the mat again.

Getting into an offence stance, the girl stood strong, her weapon of choice gripped between her fingers, as she perpared herself for the oncoming fight.

Throwing the ninja star between her fingers, the girl leaps into the air before flipping and landing a kick to the female leaders side. Landing onto her feet, the girl steadies herself before taking another go, hitting her opponent in anyway possible.

The girl suddenly gets thrown back, her back hitting the wall behind her with a loud thud. Groaning, the girl steadies herself with her elbow, slightly tipping as she lays on her side.

A loud crack echos around them, as the girl gets pushed back and kicked in the face, her nose purely broken as dark red scarlet leaks from the inside of her nose. Falling down, the girl reaches out a hand, but none come to help her in return.

Her leaders look down at the young teenager in disgust, their faces twisted into angry, but annoyed looks, watching as the young girl tries to stay awake, but fails.


Blue jolts, her eyes opening wide as she takes a sharp breath in. Gripping for anything around her, Blue steadies herself before she can fall. Her hands grip onto something smooth. Looking up, Blue finds herself in a changing room, with several dark coloured dresses to her left, hooked up to the wall.

Looking around the small space, Blue spots a floor length mirror, taking in her appearance. Her small hands wrap around the fabric at the hem of the shirt, the logo clearly stating that Tony Stark rocked.

A loud knock sounds from the door, before someone's familiar voice calls. "Blue? You okay in there?" Peter asks, his voice filled with worry.

"Ye-ye-yeah. I'm fine...thanks." Blue says through the door.

"Remember, you agreed to join me to Tony's party? You don't have to come if you don't want to, I can just find som--." Blue cuts Peter off, whisper-shouting her response.

"No, I promised, and I don't break promises."

"Okay, if you say so." Peter chuckles, "Just please, have all those dresses tried out before 4.30." Peter sighs, walking off as his foot steps fade into the distance.

Blue nods to herself, turning to the mirror before sighing. Stripping from her clothes, Blue is left in her underwear as she changes into the first dress.


Knocking, Peter waits patiently outside of Blues room, as she finishes up, before opening the door. Cracking a small smile, Peter looks Blue up and down, grinning as he looks to her soft yellow eyes. Taking her small hand, Peter leads Blue downstairs to the party, which of course was being held by Tony for the success of beating Ultron.

Once they had arrived at the last flight of stairs, Peter turns to Blue, watching as she scanned the crowd, lost in thought.
" ready for this?" Peter asked, worry slightly laced within his voice, as Blue turned to him. Nodding she replies, "Yeah....I'm ready." Watching as Peter descended down the stairs, all eyes turned to Blue, as a spot light shone on her.

Taking a deep breath, Blue descended down the steps slowly, her light grey dress slowly following her, as the bottom of it swooped across the stairs. Once reaching the bottom of the stairs, Blue takes Peter's hand again, as they walk off towards Mr Stark, other's eyes never leaving the female as the dress sparkled in the light. Her cheeks heated up slowly as she watched as everyone looked to her. Some had faces of disgust because how good she looked, while others looked amazed at how wonderful she appeared, when others dribbled over the fact that she was perfect for being their relationship partner.

All in all, Blue felt out of place in such a large crowd, with people she barely knew besides Mr Stark and Peter. Her sun coloured eyes darted around, as she stood close to Peter, her brown curls tied up into a side braid, as she squirmed under the stranger's gazes.


After a long night of shit jokes from Tony, even worse dancing from Peter, and all the stares, Blue sat down by the glass window, her knees pressed to her chest as her brown locks fell lightly out of its hair style. The music played softly in the background, as people swayed on the dance floor, either drunk or tired.

"Excuse me." A thick accent sounded, making Blue turn her head, as her eyes widen to the size of sauce pans.

Standing in front of the young adult stood a young man, his smile charming as his teeth shone in the light, his grey/whitish hair smoothed down with parts still stickng out, and his blue eyes dazzling in the moonlight.

The man sticked his hand out, as he smiled softly at the young girl.
"Pietro Maximoff." His chest rumbled while he talked, causing his shirt to move against his rippled chest.

Blue's eyes travelled up to the man's eyes, her own sparkling with new meaning. Her cheeks burned with a new flame, making them clear enough in the dim light. Taking his hand, Blue watched as Pietro layed a soft and sweet kiss against the back of her hand.

"Blue." she stated.

"Blue, what a colourful name."

Blue | P.MWhere stories live. Discover now