Facing everyone

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Chapter 2

(Elizabeth's pov)

I have to go to school today and I hate it.

Its just like a jail.


The bell rang, but I didn't want to go to class. Everyday is the same I try to take as much time as I can before I get to class but Jordan makes me go faster, stupid Jordan. Everyday sense I was little kids made fun of me cause I'm different and I hate it. Jordan knows but he says not to let them bother me so I try not to.

I walk into the class. When everyone saw me they went silent then broke the silence they created by making jokes about me. They could see my bruises and my scars. Scars and bruises cover my body. There is a scar right under my eye, a bruise that dark purple is in the exact place, I keep my head down so they don't see it.

"Oh look, Elizabeth, cut her self again." Lizzy Jones, the meanest of them all said. She was laughing her head off.

"Wait, Lizzy , look at her face she has a huge bruise on her face." Lizzy's head witch said. In her loud voice making my head hurt.

I winced in pain.

"Awww she's gonna cry, how sad." Lizzy did the puppy dog face that looked like a rotating corpse with a smashed face.


Finally the late bell rang, meaning everyone had to sit down in their seats and stop talking.

The teacher walked in, not expecting us to all be here. I don't think he ever does.

"Oh you guys came today, ummmmm............ do what you were doing yesterday....." The teachers such a lazy bum. He never knows what he is meant to teach so he doesn't teach at all. He comes to work so he can get paid till sit on his ass.

DANG IT! I just remembered what we did yesterday, the game was who can make Elizabeth leave the room first. They say a whole bunch of things trying to get me to leave but it's always so stupid. They have played this game for years but they never seem to get tired of it.

Once again they try to get me to get out of the room. One after another they said things that used to make me wanna leave but I'm used to them already. It's annoying though

"Vicky your turn," "Alex your up," "Why won't she leave already, Jack, try and brake her. It's harder then you think." They keep calling off names. All of them failing.

The last name they said almost killed me. I am so shocked that it hurts to breathe

..................." Jordan, your up. I wonder if he could break her. He knows her the best."

JORDAN! Omg! I can't believe he would ever do this! We've been friends sense before we went to school together. Why would he do this? What happened to him? I guess it's true even your closest friend can hurt you and stave you in the back.

"Hey, Elizabeth, are you gonna go home today and get a-" Jordan started to say but the bell rang. I was gone in seconds. I jumped out of my seat before he could finish his sentence and ran out the door. I didn't go to my next class. I left school and went into the woods.

Woods. I love the woods. It's where I can go to be away from everyone.

I skip class all the time, so I don't care that much. All I care about is getting to my tree house.

I made this tree house when I was littler. The tree house was kind of close to the ground, but now the thing was like at the top, top of the tree. And this tree is big. My dad helped me make it before he became a drunk. He had helped me make it 10-15 feet off the ground and know it's like triple that.

Looking behind me to see if I'm was being followed. I'm not. Then I ran as fast as I could, grabbed a branch and started swinging my body from branch to branch. (I was in gymnastics when I was really little.)

I was in my tree house in a few minutes. Then I sat there and cried. I cried and cried tell I couldn't cry anymore and thought about why life had to suck so much.If I cry anywhere else people will call me weak. And I know I'm not weak.

Or am I lying to myself

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