Does he want me or is he lying?

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Chapter 5

(Elizabeth's pov)

I was so shocked that he said he loves me. It's unbelievable. No one has ever told me that they love me. It's really hard to believe. All my life no one has told me they love me, not even my family but I know that they love me other wise I would be dead right now and they wouldn't help me.

He's probably lying, a voice in my head said, don't forget what he did to you at school.

As soon as I heard that in my head I knew it's a chance that he's lying to me. I hope he's not lying. I mean he's the only to ever tell me that he loves me. I can hear doubt, happiness, and so many different little voice in my head, but I know that they are just reflecting my emotions and my hopes of him not lying, all of my doubts that will always be there.


School the next day

When I went to school the all I can think about is what Jordan said to me. I keep replying the time that I have known him but I don't know what happens when someone loves you. Replying all the years of laughing, joking, messing around, being serious, and everything else kept going through my head. I made my way to first period sitting in my seat and my past with him keeps flashing through my mind.

As soon as Jordan walks in to class I automatically look at him and see that he's already looking at me. Our gazes lock for a few seconds before I look away from him. As soon as I do the teacher walks through the doors. Jordan keeps glancing at me around every minute and I just so happen to look at him at the same time. Every time our eyes lock I blush and look down at my desk. Lizzy studies us for a little over two minutes before whispering to her wannabes trying to find out why we keep looking at each other ever minute. No one can give her answers because no one knows what's going on but Jordan and me.

This is the first thing in my school life that Lizzy has no control over and I love it. This is the one thing that I get to know and she doesn't. I can see the anger in her eyes as I glance at her. Looks like she doesn't like secrets that she doesn't k ow about. I look back down at my desk and feel a small smile creep its way to my lips and it's genuine. For the first time I feel happy at school. I'm shocking my self.


After school


I make my way home after school is out and walk slower the closer I get to my house. I'm a house or two down from my house when I hear yelling. From where I am I can hear my dads rough voice clear as day. I can't focus and on what he's saying because I'm just hoping that no ones hurt and that I'm just imagining the voices. My dad can't be drunk this early can he?

Please, please, please, please, please, please tell me my dad didn't drink. At least not yet.

"Your wasted, AGAIN" my mom was screaming as loud as she could.

"SHUT UP, YOU EFFING B****!!!" My dad yelled.

Why did this have to happen everyday?

Wait! Where are my siblings? As long as there out of the house then they will be ok.

I hesitated to go inside, i was shocked to see what my dad did to the place.

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