[6] The cupids

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Let's be alone together.
We can stay young forever.


Who though it was a good idea to let Peter Parker play Tony Stark.

And a weird girl with a power of knowing things she shouldn't play Pepper Pots.


And every agreed.

"Wait...? Isn't my identity supposed to be hidden?" Peter asked.

"It's a party amongst us, they'll be just trustable person."

"What about me? You're just going to let me walk in like 'Hey, name is (Y/n). I have some sort of power so they let me stay with them?" You asked. "And now they want me to play a show for them."

"Are you in or not?" Steve asked.

"Of course yes." Tony and Pepper kiss a lot so this is a good opportunity to kiss the hell out of Peter Parker. You evil laughed inside.

"That's it, right? I'll tell Fury it's an impersonation show." Tony asked, everyone nodded.

   "That's it." Steve said, he was the first to walk out, the others then splitting up.

   "Tony. Do i even need to go back to school?" Peter asked.

   "Nah. You don't belong there. Go to my lab if you're bored and don't tell May i let you skip classes."

   "Should i...? Um, follow him or..." You didn't know where to go so you scratched your head nervously.

   "You. Come here." Tony said. You watched Peter left the room, he even waved at you a little. Before you died with happiness you walked to Tony.


   "I figured you might be helpful." He showed you a holographic screen, showing a picture from security camera. "Tell me what do you see in this?"

   You looked at them and chuckled. "Blonde chick in a sexy suit."

   Tony rolled his eyes. "Be more useful, i want to keep you around. Just, anything about her you recognize from your world."

   "Oh! You mean she might be a comic book character that marvel just adapted to movie!"

   "What the fu..."

    You pushed Tony off his seat and sat there. "Blonde... blue eyes... It could be Gwen from earth 16191..."

   "What is earth 16191?"

   "Oh. You know, when they draw a story and feel like they want to start a new one based on the same character because they're famous, they'll tell us which earth this story takes place. The main marvel's earth is 616."

   He doesn't understand, but Tony swear to himself he must understand all the parallel universe you were talking about. It's such a pain in the ass for Stark since he understood all math and science but not women.

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