[11] Dangerously gorgeous

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I'm bad at love.
But you can't blame me for trying.


Potato's pov

Why are we still here...

Just to suffer...

I questioned quietly, looked at Peter who was as hopeless as i am. We've been staring at this wall for a while now, after my nosebleed it has been about an hour.

But we can do nothing, so we waited. I got time to think, will my friend miss me now that i'm gone? Or was the time stopped from where i left, i will never know, will i ever get to go back there? Why am i still here? Just to suffer? Metal gear solid meme is haunting me again!

The wall suddenly changed it's shape showing us a mirror hidden behind it, we both stood up and looked at it, a woman was on the other side and I recognize it is Elisa Sinclair as soon as i saw her.

Black hair, brown eyes. Wearing the dress that adapted beautifully from the comic. Wait, i think i know the actress, oh my god that's Lily James!

"Lilly James!?" I yelled, i loved that girl from Baby driver and Cinderella! Peter looked at me very confused but i was excited that Marvel casted her in so i slapped his arms excitingly so many times.

He gave me a 'Now is not the time to smile' glare but i can't help it but fangirled.

"I know her..." I moaned, guiltily.

"You know me?" She asked, her character in marvel cinematic universe is much different than in her previous movie, she's dangerously gorgeous and has that kind of charm that marvel villains has.

   I think she's a little too young for the roll, but i'm sure Marvel know what they're doing because they never disappoint me in any how.

   "Not you. The one that plays you." Uh... i don't think she will understand, and to be honest i need to be more serious because she might be the one that kill me or hurt my Peter instead of being excited.

   [I fan casted Lilly James in myself]

   Lilly in the shape of Elisa tiled her head on the side, she was confused but also interested in me, oh no, I sensed something bad.

  "What do you want from us?" Peter asked, he has a very serious look on his face.

   "We just want to ask a couple of questions." Elisa grinned , her back arched while she sip cherry wine from the glass.

   "Can you please hurry up and ask us? I don't like it here." I said dumbly, maybe if she find me unstable she might let us go, i don't really know.

   "Sure thing. The girl, what is your name?"

   Oh my god how many time do i need to answer this question. "(Y/n) (L/n)."

   "Where did you come from (Y/n)?"

   "Why are you interested in me Elisa, i'm basically a potato, i don't even know you took me here."

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