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"I don't want you." was the first four words that came out from his gorgeous lips.

My heart twitched and I felt like being stabbed by a handful amount of knives, right in the chest, when I heard Kyle said that. Well, that was my mate saying he doesn't want me people! It's just normal to feel hurt, right?

Oh yeah. I don't know what's happening to me. At least, I know the word 'hurt'.

"Why?" I stuttered through a sob and he huffed.

"Why Lia? Oh wait. We don't even know if that was your true name." he said, making fun of the fact that I lost my memories. "I hate you. I loathe you. You are a worthless mate Lia! You don't know anything and I hate a dumb were like you!"

Something in me wants to retort back but I really don't want to do that. I think that reason is more than enough and I don't need to hear anything anymore.

I just shook my head at him and turned my back. I just walked out of his room and ran to my room which is right next to him.

So great.

I just love the fact the we are beside each other so he can obviously hear everything that I'll be saying or doing.

I locked the door when I get in and I slumped my little body on the soft matresses that's in my bed.

I cried and cried but I held in the sobs cause I don't want him to hear of my grieving. I don't know but I still have this pride in me and I don't want it to be taken away. It's the only thing I have now.

It's just so painful to hear that your own mate doesn't want you.

Well, I guess it's not a very unusual story to happen but it's just insane. Saying that he doesn't want you, will break you apart just like a glass thrown at the ground and shattered into pieces.

I'm called Lia and yes, I lost my memories. I've been in here for just about a month.

One day, I just woke up, screaming things that I don't quite understand myself and then a pair of blue eyes came to my view, those eyes that belonged to Kyle and he told me that I was safe and no one will harm me. I don't know why or how but at that moment that I saw him and heard his voice, my body relaxed and I'm able to be comforted.

I don't know back then but now? I pretty know why, for sure.

They said that I was found by the Luna when she was strolling around the woods with the alpha. I was not hurt in anyway and I'm just like sleeping on the grass. I'm wearing a blue flowy dress that extends until the tips of my toes and they didn't know where I came from and neither do I.

I don't know how nor why am I in this place and to be exact, I don't even know where I should be.

But when I woke up, there's like a command on my mind. Find your mate . It's the only thing that was left and nothing more.

The Ashwood pack, Kyle's pack, helped me recover and gave me some details that I may use, especially the luna and the alpha. The Luna Adrianna and Alpha Kenneth gave me a name, Lia and they gave me everything I need. Clothes, food, shelter and family. They have been so nice to me and I appreciated all that.

I just don't know why their son despises me so much and calls me a dumb were. That's Lyle. Yes, Kyle is their son and though he acted all too nice when I first saw him, it never happened the next time.

He's my mate and we both found out when I went to his room earlier to ask him if he wanted to eat, our hands touched and there was a sudden spark that sent tingles through my spine then my eyes widened at the thought that pasted instantly on mind, mate.

"What should I do?" I muttered in the thin air and as if someone was in the room with me. I don't have friends in here because for some reasons, I always lock myself in my room and I only go out if its time to eat or something.

Suddenly, I heard door instantly creaked open too and I don't know who was there but I don't care.

"Lia? Are you alright?" I heart a gentle voice from behind me and I turned my body to meet alpha Kenneth with the luna by his side.

Ok. I do care.

I shook my head no and they both sighed. I don't know why they are giving me this special treatment but I guess, they're just kind.

The Luna sat beside my lying figure and gently scooped my upper body in her lap, making my head rest on it.

"We know what happened and we're very sorry." she said as she wiped the tears that still flow from my eyes.

"It doesn't matter."

"It does Lia. It does. We're very sorry. " Alpha Kenneth muttered and I sighed.

"Alpha, don't be sorry. I don't blame your son. I guess he's right, I'm really not worthy of him, comsidering that he'll be the soon alpha." Yeah. Maybe that's it. He doesn't like me cause I'm not what he likes.

I'm not like a model and I don't even know anything about myself. Such a dumb were like he said.

"No my child, it's not like that." he said and the Luna nodded in agreement with him.

It doesn't matter. I completely understand everything.

I just didn't answer them and let myself close my eyes while the luna started singing some things that's like a lullaby to my ears and I drifted away to a deep oblivion.



"Why? Why are you defending that dumb girl who doesn't even know about her past?" I growled at the person before me, my dad.

I don't know why he's making such a big fuss over my rejecti-- no, I didn't reject her, I just said that I don't want her.

An hour after that Lia went into my room, this great big alpha came and started growling at me about that dumbass like I was some rogue who got their precious child in danger.

Oh yeah, I can't think of anything.

"I told you before and I will tell you again young man! She's not a dumb girl and you will not treat her like that! She's your mate!" my dad growled and I glared at him.

"What the heck? How can I be a mate to someone like her? I don't want her okay? Dad? You hear me? I. DON'T.WANT.HER." I yelled and he glared at me this time while reaching for my polo's collar and lifting me from the ground.

What can I say? I'm heavy but he's an alpha and though he's kinda oldish, he's still stronger than me and I hate that cause this dad of mine, has the habit to always lift me above the ground when he's mad...at me and a matter of fact, he's usually like that, mad at me.

"You will never treat her like that!" he said in an alpha tone and I flinch. Darn it, I'm a wimp. "Am I understood?" he added in his most menacing tone that I always hear and I shrugged.

"I don't get you! I can reject who I want to and when I want to! That's not your problem and you shouldn't care!" I growled, not fully subjecting to him and I was pushed to the wall.

Okay. It hurt and maybe I broke some bone but hell does I care? I narrowed my eyes at him and oh boy, was he doing it too.

"You will do as I say Kyle! You will follow me." was his final words and he left my room, slamming the door in the process.



Hi guys! Thanks for reading! I'm really happy that you spent some time in reading this piece of story. Lol xD Anyway, it's kinda cliche (maybe not kinda) but I really love were(wolf) stories where the boy rejects his mate then there'll be some revenge of the fallen. Hahah~ But don't worry, it'll not be like that. ^^ (And oh, I'll definitely continue this story *hopefully* [cause sometimes, I end up deleting something. lol] but let's see. Haha I'm really insane.)

Please do comment~ It's highly appreciated especially suggestions on my writing. :)

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