my new house!

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It's been a week. And I completely changed, I bought new clothes, I'm saving money to buy my own house or apartment, and I also quite my job, and by quiting, I mean I got fired, I was never on time, I would complain to the boss and, the customers, but who cares, they didn't pay me much anyway. I also hang out woth the boys alot. I was at home, it was lunch, I'm skipping today and tomorrow. Why? Because I just don't feel like going to school, plus tomorrow is Friday. My parents are sleeping right now, and I got to get a new job so I can get more money. Actually, my parents have some money, my I can take just a little bit for lunch. I walked into the living room, and saw them asleep on the couch. Now I can just go in there room easily. I walked into there room, I looked in there side tables, they always keep about 20$ in there. I was looking through my dad's side table, when I found 100$. I took all the money then left, 100$ won't hurt. I was walking to a restaurant, until I saw an ice cream stan, I went over and bought an ice cream. I then went to the park, I'll just eat later since I have ice cream right know. I was walking around the park, until I saw Tae. I was walking towards him but, someone stopped me, it felt like a little kids hand, I looked down, and saw a little boy. I bent down so I can be at the same height as the little boy."Hello miss, I was wondering if you've seen my parents?" I looked at him confused."are you lost?" Hey nodded, while playing with a piece of flower."ok, what were they wearing?" I don't think he'll know how to describe his parents if I say 'how do they look like?' So I just asked 'what were they wearing?' "Um, my mom was wearing a white shirt and ripped jeans, and my dad was wearing a black shirt with jeans" he said, I looked around to see if I can find them, then I found two parents wearing the same thing as he told me, and they had a daughter to, wearing a pink dress. They both looked very worried while the dad was holding the daughters hand."do you have a sister wear a pink dress?" The little boy nodded. I smiled and took his hand, I walked over to them and they noticed me bring the son to them. "Young-gae!" The mom said as she ran towards us and hugged her son."where we're you? I told you to stay near us!" His mom was crying and hugging him. She pulled away from the hug and was looking at her son, I was smiling then she looked up to me. She got from the ground."thank you so much!" She said as she bowed, I smiled then she spoke again."I would like to buy you lunch to repay you for your kindness and bring Young-gae to me" She said." No no no, I'm fine really" we both smiled and she bowed again. She grabbed her sons hand then walked away with her family. I smiled at the sight of it, then my smile slowly desapiared and remember my mom use to be that. I then felt someone touch my shoulder, I got startled and turned to see who that was, I saw Tae smiling at me."jeez Tae, you scared me" I said."haha, sorry, I didn't know you could be so sweet" he said and smiled, I looked at him confused."well I saw you talking to a little kid, and you took him to his parents" he said, ah, I see "The Kang Y/N was nice to someone" he said and smiled."Oh shut up, plus I'm nice to you guys" "are you?" Hey said sarcastically, I then walked away rolling my eyes, he laughed then followed me."so why aren't you in school?" I asked. "There's no school today" he said while walking beside me. "Why not?" Hey then just shrugged. " I don't know" he was looking around. "And tomorrow?" I asked and looked At him. "Yea there's school tomorrow" he said and looked back at me then smiled. A few minutes pasted and we arrived to the restaurant is wanted to go before I got ice cream. "What are we doing here?" Taehyung asked while looking at the name of the restaurant. "To eat, duh" I walked in and sat down. "Ahh I see, but.." he said and looked at me. "But?.." he didn't bring money did he. "I didn't bring my money" called it! Wait, so if he didn't doing his money that means I'm paying. "Aish Tae" After waiting for a minute, a waiter came to take our oders."Hello can I take your oders?" I would like spicy kimchi please" I said, the waiter wrote it down on his little note pad, the I looked at Taehyung. "I would like the same" "drinks?" I was about to say water but the Tae cut me off. "Water" he then looked at me "I'll have water too" the waiter wrote it down then walked away. "You seem so nice outside of school" Taehyung said, I then gave him the look 'don't Tae' he then smiled nervously about today looked away. A few minutes passed, and I heard the waiters since there were right behind Tae, but Tae didn't hear, he was on his phone. "Who's oders is this?" The waiter said to the other waiter, the couple there, the waiter then pointed to me and Tae. The waiter came up to us and served our meels. "Here you go, Two spicy kimchi, and two glasses of water." The waiter put our order in front of us then smiled. "You guys are such a cute couple." With that, the waiter left "Oh um, we're actually- ok bye" I couldn't finish cause he already left. I looked at Tae who was smirking. "Kim Taehyung, if you say a word I swear" I gave him a death glare. He nervously laughed and ate his kimchi. It was the next day. I looked at how much I have, and I have enough money to buy my own house! I was jumping in joy. I got dressed quick, did my makeup, and hair, grabbed my money then left the house. Outfit:

An hour past, and I finally arrange everthing, and got the house

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An hour past, and I finally arrange everthing, and got the house. I was smiling like an idot standing in front of my new house:

 I was smiling like an idot standing in front of my new house:

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(To be continued)

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