first kiss

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I was lying in bed. I've been in bed all week. You.r probably wondering what happened at the hospital, well.. (at the hospital)
I woke up in a hospital bed. All 7 guys were here with me. I sat up, and they all rushed to me."Y/N!" Jin yelled, as he pressed a button. "Y/N, don't you ever scare us like that again!"Jin yelled at me again, as a docter came in."oh good your awake" the doctor said.
"We were doing some test, and you just fainted, because you were just too skocked" the doctor was signing some papers. "When will she be able to leave" I didn't look who spoke, but I can tell that was Tae. "Today, but before you leave Y/N, we want to do some tests, just to make sure everything is ok" I then nodded. 30 minutes pasted and I was able to leave the hospital. (Present day)
I haven't left my room all week. Only to use the bathroom, but I have a bathroom in my room. Sometimes the guys would come over and check up on me. It was usually Jin and Yoongi tho. They would make me food, and bring it to me. I barely eat tho, or talk, and Jin gets mad when I don't eat. Why am I like this? Well if you don't know, which you probably do know. The reason why I left to the hospital in a rush last week, and why I was crying my eyes out, it's because.... my mom.. was in a bad car accident.... well.. you might have already guessed.... yeah... someone came in, and it was yoongi. I looked over to him, and he was smiling and walking over to me. Now that I think about it.. Tae and Jungkook, hasn't came here all week. Idk. Yoongi sat next to my bed, and I sat up. "Hey Y/N" he said. "Hi.." I wasn't looking at him. I heard him sigh, then he spoke."You know Y/N, you can't stay here forever" he said looking at me, but I wasn't looking at him, nor did I respond to him. I was just looking at my blanket, that were covering my legs and feet. "I brought you water" he said holding the glass of water. But I completely changed the subject. "Thank you Yoongi..." I still didn't look at him. "For what?" He then put the glass of water on my side table, and sat on my bed. "For supporting me, and helping me" I said, and finally looked up at Yoongi. He was just looking at me, not saying anything. I didn't know what to do, so I just looked back at the blanket. He then lifted my chin with his hand, and he... kissed me... I had my eyes open, while his were closed. I didn't respond to his action. I was just so shocked, I couldn't do anything. He realized what he did, then pulled away. He looked at me, then he looked away. "I-im sorry.." I was still shocked, but Yoongi brought me back to reality when he said that. I smiled, then turned his head to me."Why do you apologize?" I asked, he didn't know what to do by the look on his face. "I-umm i-"i cut him off, cause he wasn't able to speak."are you sorry about the kiss?" I asked, he shot his head up and looked at me shocked. "What!? No! I!-ummm!-" i cut him off again, but this time.. I kissed him. He was shocked by my sudden action. But then he replied to the kiss. He tried to slip his tongue, but I was teasing him, and didn't let him. He bit my bottom lip a little, which caused me to open my mouth through the kiss, and he took his chance, and slipped his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues were at war. He pushed my slightly on my back, then hovered over me. He pulled away from the kiss, letting both of us breath. He looked at me, then spoke. "Can i?" He said while smirking, and his hand at the edge of my shirt. I bit my bottom lip, then nodded slightly.
(To be continued)

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