I'm here!

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I was standing in front of my new house. I was already on planning to buy this house a week ago, so I already know how it looks like inside. I went inside and saw it all emtye. I have a tons of money right know, but not enough to buy everything I need. Maybe if I get a new job, and a good one, then I'll get more money. I'll just have to stay at my old house for now. I went back to my house and stared packing just a little. I was packing some of my clothes, then.. my mom came in, she wasn't really drunk tho, I got up, and looked at her."what, what are you doing? Are you going on a school trip?" My mom wasn't really drunk, but she was holding a beer can. I should tell her, it's better to tell her now."No, no I'm not going on a school trip" I said and bent down to continue packing."then why are you packing?"She asked and came a little closer and she said,"your not running away are you" she said all worried. Worried? I got back up and looked at her."I'm moving out" I said, she looked at me surprised. "What? And when did this happen?" She said, and i replied,"i bought a house today, but I'm not moving in it today, maybe in a month or so, but I'm packing a little just for now, so I won't have much to pack when I move out" I said and went back to packing again."what!? Where did you get the money!?" She yelled at me, but I just calmly said,"my job, I'm looking for another job though" I zipped my suitcase, and took out a box, and started to put my little things in, like my books and other stuff that was on my desk. "And when we're you planing on telling us?" She said and put her beer can down. "Why do I need to you guys?" I wasn't even looking at my mom while talking."cause we are your parents Y/N" She said and put her hands around her waist, honestly she didn't seem drunk at all. "Well all you guys do is drink and fight, so you guys wouldn't notice if I left" I said calmly. "Y/N don't say that! We are your parents no matter what!" When she said my dad came in my room, just great!"wHaT iS aLl ThE yElLiNg AbOuT!?" Hey was drunk af."it's nothing dad just go in the living room, me and mom are just talk-"i was cut off by my mom. "She said moving out next month!" She said and looked at my dad, I wasn't looking at neither of them, I was still packing. "What!?!" My dad yelled, I got startled and jumped a little. "Great mom! Why did you have to tell him!?" I looked at my mom. She looked at him, honestly he didn't look worried at all, he looked like he was about to pass out. My mom took him to the living room and put him on the couch, meanwhile, I was closing the box. She came back in, and I put my box and suitcase in the corner of my room. "Why are you moving?" She said, trying to stay calm. "Because I need a place that is quite, a place where I don't always hear arguing, and I place where it's clean!" I was starting to get mad now. "And even if I didn't bye that house, I would expect move out edvetuly" I sat on my bed and my mom looked at me, she sat beside my and hugged me. "Y/N.. I know me and your dad can argue to much, and sometimes bring you into our fights. But we still love you, and I know we're not the parents you asked for, and we're sorry" I was starting to tear up a little. Yes they can argue when there drunk, and they can sometimes hit me, yell, and bring me into the arguments, but I still love them. We were like this for a couple minutes. I looked at my mom, and I can tell she was thinking really hard. After a ten minute of silence, she spoke. "Y/N.." I looked at my mom, and she looked at me. She looked at me seriously."What if, my and your dad tried to stop drinking. It would take awhile for us tho" I looked at her, shocked and happy. "Really!?" I was smiling like an idot right now. She nodded then spoke again. "I want to try to do this for you, you can still move into your new house" I smiled at her. "But!" I looked at her confused. "In the future you have to invite us to your wedding" I looked at her shocked "mom!" My mom started laughing, and so did i. Two weeks have past. I move into my house next week. My parents stopped drinking, we'll my dad drinks one can a night, but it's not enough to make him go drunk. We cleaned up the house too. My mom got a job as a police officer, and my dad got the job of a big company. He just works in a office, but still, it's cool. And for my, I work at a kids care center. things have completely changed, and it's only been two weeks, but.. I'm still the same at school. Mean, heartless. I have enough money to buy my own furniture for my new house, I have way more then enough. How? Well at the kids care center they pay me big. And my dad gets paid a lot too, so he gives me a little money, and my mom gives a some money to, and when I mean by some, she gives me ten dollars a week. I was packing more of my stuff, since I'm going to be moving into my house in a week. The guys know I'm moving into a new house, but they don't know my back story yet. And for Kai, he tries to ignore me around the school, and when I see him in public, he gives my an discussing look. It was getting kinda late, I put my pj's on, brushed my teeth, then went to bed. (One week later) it's been a week now. Today is the day I move into my own house. We were putting all my boxes in the moving van, and my furniture. Last week, my and my parents went out to go buy some furniture for my house, there probably just placed in my living room, at my new house. I only live about one hour away from my parents, by walking. One hour later, we finally got everything out of the moving vsn, and into my house. I said bye to my parents, then they left. I was in my living room looking at my house, full of boxes, and furniture, all over the place, by that, I mean just in the middle of the living room. This is going to take awhile.
(To be continued)

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