She's gone

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Jungkook was looking at me. He removed his hands from my shoulder. He had no expression on his face. No happiness, sad, andry , excited, nothing. I looked down not know what to say, or what to do. I then got a call, I looked at the ID user name and it was Y/N. I hung up and got up."i.. think I should go. Bye Jungkook" I was walking towards the door, until my phone rang again. I picked it up this time."Hello?" I said, Y/N was crying, I can tell by her voice, and because she was crying hard though the phone while trying to speak."calm down Y/N, what happened" After 10 seconds, I dropped my phone then looked at Jungkook. He looked at me confused. I then ran out of the room, not saying anything. Jungkook then followed me, to the hospital. We got there, then rushed in, jungkook still had no idea what's going on. I saw Y/N crying on the floor. We went up to her. Yoongi was hugging her, I kneeled down then hugged her to. Jungkook had no idea what's going on, but he knew it was something bad. After a minute the other guys came rushing in the hospital. After a few minutes, we finally got off the floor and sat down, but Y/N was still crying really hard. Jin told Jungkook what happened. Then the doctor came out of the Surgery room.
(Y/N's pov *Before this happened*)
I was in the room with yoongi, until I got a call. I picked up.
(On the phone)
"Hello?" I said through the phone."is this Kang Y/N?" I didn't recognize the voice."yes, who is this?" I asked confused. Yoongi looked at me also confused."um.. it's about your mom.." my heart dropped. The person sounded really sad, and worried."your mom, is in the hospital. You should come. The hospital name is XXL hospital. you should hurry. Well give the details when you get here. I'll see you in a bit Y/N, and hurry" She then hung up and tears were going down from my eyes, to my cheeks fast. I was so shocked I couldn't even move, until Yoongi brought me back to reality."what's wrong?" He looked at me worried."call the others!" I said then ran out of the room.
The doctor looked at me. She looked down. I just froze, the guys looked at me worried, asking me if I was ok. I didn't hear anything, or anyone. Everything was so blurry, I couldn't see at all. I was frozen. Then everything went dark.
(To be continued)
Athour: Hello army.. this episode is kinda related to my life right know. But instead of my mom.. it's my cousin. He committed suicide yesterday.💔 I miss him so much💔😢 please... if your going through depression, get some help, please. It hurts so much when you lose someone you love💔 that's all. I'll probably upload another episode another day, because of this incident. It will take me a VERY long time to recover, from this incident. But ill still upload episodes. Sorry this episode is short btw. OK bye💔😢
P.s. I didn't acually faint, but I couldn't move, I was frozen. His name was Judas btw💔😢

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