7. The 'Ugly' Description

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So, in all honesty this is something that has me cursing within less that two seconds so bear with me.

(And to all those, for the love of God, it is bear with me, not bare with me. I mean I can't just ask you to- Never mind. I'll get to that later.)

Anyhow, so character descriptions are something that are pretty important. Every author wants their readers to know what their OC looks like. And sadly, they do this trick I call mirroring.

And yes, it involves a mirror, sheesh.

I walked into the bathroom and yawned. Opening the tap, I splashed some water onto my   face and sighed. My flawless, spotless skin looked even brighter and my beautiful green eyes were a reflection of (a family member's who they possibly hate). My pouty lips looked pink and blah blah blah. I'm so ugly.

*Cue le sigh*

DUDE WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! You're basically describing yourself as a little goddess or a flawless VS model and you're calling yourself ugly.


Just don't!

I know that there are girls who don't like the way they look, they are insecure, I know that. Hell, I'll be honest. I'm one of them! But:
1) There are more times than one when you feel pretty (in clothes, jwellery, make up)
2) If you feel you're ugly that's not how you describe yourself!!

If you feel ugly, you tend to overlook things that make you attractive or pretty. Example, say, someone has pretty brown (don't get me started because BROWN EYES ARE PRETTY TOO! Bish) eyes but an acne problem. What goes through their mind :-

I sighed. There was a time I was pretty, I could call myself pretty and fit in. But no, I had to be marred. I couldn't be like one of those girls with flawless skin. No. I just had to be 'blessed' with these zits because guess what? I'm ugly.

That is something along the lines of what a person feels when they feel ugly. It's a first hand experience. I've gone through that face. It sucks ass. And oh, cherry on the top, everyone points it out for you. Similarly, people struggle with weight issues or something else.

Make a real character and not a model. Okay, there are many required storylines where mythical creatures are considered. There is where you fit a character who looks like a God.
In teen fic or Romance, I believe characters should be relatable enough.

But that's just my opinion.

Much love
Abstraktia 💖

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