Chapter 33

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I went to the house, and it still smells like alcohol and teen sex. I see people dancing on tables and of course, the people who are completely stoned just sitting and laughing at everything.

Jack walks up to me, I hate him but he used to be my friend so whatever.

"Hey man, don't you miss this?"

"Yeah, I guess."

I say as he hands me a blunt. I haven't done anything like that since I moved, but right now nothing matters.

During the next couple of hours, even though I'm stoned as hell, all I can think about is her.

A girl walks up to me and sits on my lap.

"Hey there baby, your hot I'm hot let's just do it."

I forgot how easy the girls Jack invites are.

"Meh, I'll pass."

She gives me a dirty look and walks away to go make out with some other dick.

"Jc, what's wrong with you? You used to be the life of the party, and now you just look sad all the time?"

"Just go get me another drink." I say I don't want to feel, I just want it to be like it used to. When I just didn't care, or when I was to drunk or stoned to care.

The next morning I have a headache like a bitch.

I have a missed call to from Delaih.

I delete it I know if I talk to her I would just apologize and then go back and mess something up...again. She needs to be away from me for awhile, I don't think she'd like me in my state right now anyway.

I must have spent the night in the house because I'm still on the same couch. I take a few shots to help with the hangover.Then, Jack comes out of a room.

"You didn't even score a girl. God what happened?"

"A girl."

"Even when you were with Zoey you and her would have like a threesome with other people all the time."

"She always was a whore."

It's true, Delaih she's so pure so kind, not at all like Zoey.

"No shit." Jack says and laughs

We go out and get some coffee

Even thought I hate him, Jack can be cool sometimes.

"So, what's this girl like is she hot?"


"How long have you been fucking this bitch?"

I just role my eyes, normally I would have beat him for saying that and trust me I want to.

Really though, I'm tired of punching my problems.

We talk about what's been going on since I left, witch is nothing really.

The cops and the city decided to not tear down the house, because they were worried that the kids would just find a new place to do that stuff. Which is exactly what they would have done.

Then Delaih called me again. I deiced to pick up.


"Jc...." she says I can hears she's almost crying

"Yes what is it are you okay."

", I'm not okay you need to come back right now."

"Why what happened? I'm trying to give you space I...I."

"Jc, I'm pregnant..and I'm scared and..I need you."

I hang up.

"Sorry man, I gotta go and I most likely won't be back."

"Whatever, see you next time."

I run out all the way to the airport I only brought a backpack which I never took off, thank god.

I book the soonest fight I can to get back to L.A. though, it takes to long to get there. Then I called Delaih.

"Can you send someone to pick me up at the airport?"

"Yeah um, Andrea will be there soon."

The whole way back I got to listen to Andrea yelling at me, but I just kinda tuned her out all I could think about was Deliah and all this. I get to the house as soon as I walk in Delaih runs and hugs me.

"I'm so sorry Jc, I'm so sorry."

"Why are you sorry babe? It's all going to be okay were going to be fine just calm down."

Hi so I've been writing more, maybe because it's summer! yay, well anyway thanks for reading you have no idea how happy it makes me when I see people,besides me, are reading make sure to comment and vote!- jade

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