chapter 29

363 13 2

jiyoon's p.o.v

"you can now speak to your other teammates" a staff member says, handing me a little phone from behind the camera man

"uh hello?" i say into the phone once the elevator door dings

"jiyoon jiyoon!" i hear a bunch of screams in the back

"yah calm down!" i yell back, "so like im on floor three looking for food coupons and i met jeno in the basement and he said he has two coupons and i have two coupons so help me!!"

"how can we help you?" yejin says

"girl i don't know, im lost" i say walking into a room "oh! hold on there's cameras in here, maybe there's a food coupon"

"where are you?" jaemin asks

"uh in an office and there's cameras everywhere" i say looking around, "yah yah yah! i think i found one!" i say and i hear cheering come from the phone

"you have three now, all you have to do is find 5 more and we get that luxury ride" haechan says into the phone

"ok i got this, ill see you in the limo" i say hanging up, "ok what if three are up here and the rest are in the basement" i say to myself, looking around

after 10 minutes of looking i successful found the 3 food coupons. i just need to find two more, hopefully jeno didn't find them first

"please don't let jeno find them please" i say begging in the elevator

"jeno! did you find any?" i ask, as soon as i run into him

"no ive been looking and looking around but i still only have 2" he says with a frustrated look on his face

"well i went to floor 4 and there was none there and i can't remember what other floor hana said the food coupons are on, do you?" i ask, lying to him. im a great actress

"uh no but im gonna go use the washroom" he says running off, the camera man following him

"idiot" i say laughing, looking for anywhere he could've missed

"yah that kid, he didn't even check under the seats!" i say looking under every chair. "yes!" i cheer once i found one

"beat that jeno" i say, dancing in a circle "hahah" i laugh, walking away

"jeno is not a very good finder" i say shrugging into my camera

"now i just need one more" i say looking and looking everywhere in the basement

"need anything?" a worker behind the counter asks

"uh" i say looking at him, suspiciously "actually do you perhaps have any food coupons"

"shoot you got me" he says handing me a food coupon

"wait weren't you supposed to like i don't know give me a question??" i say confused

"nope, only if you ask" he winks

yikes, well ok. "thank you?" i say leaving

"gUYS I FOUND ALL OF THEM!!" i say running into the room they were in

"YAY" everyone cheers picking me up

"we knew you could do it!" yejin says hugging me

"we never doubted you" donghyuck says shaking his head

"yeah yeah" i say lightly pushing him

"yah jaeminie tell her! i never doubted her, right?" donghyuck says, offended

"yes donghyuckie i believe you" i say laughing at the flustered boy

"thank god" he says smiling

"we get a limo ride!" jaemin says, jumping up and down and picking me up

"you are so welcome" i say laughing


"kids were here" a staff member says, waking all of us up

"i can't believe we fell asleep in our limo ride" yejin says pouting

"you were the first to fall asleep" donghyuck says in a duh tone

"shut up young man" she says waving him off

"hey im older than you!"

"yeah by 4 months" she says rolling her eyes

"im still OLDER!" donghyuck says louder

"ok let's go" jaemin says pulling him away, "what are we doing here anyway?"

"we're here because it's a pit stop?" luna questions

"we are here because you will be staying here for two days" a staff members says, handing yejin a card

gesturing her to read it, she begins "there will be two rooms, one for blue iris and one for nct dream. you will still be in your teams for the two days. for your first mission you will pick a song, learn the dance and perform it on the streets. the people on the streets will decide who wins, good luck and have fun"

"is there a prize?" donghyuck says, cutting in between yejin and i

a staff member hands yejin another card and gestures her to read it again. "for the winning team they will win an extra two hours of well deserved rest and 7 special gifts from lee soo-man pd-nim."

"im curious"  luna says, finally waking up properly.

"the songs you pick could be any artist" yejin continues.

"wait i have a question" chenle says, standing on a rock

"what is it, young man" yejin says rolling her eyes at him

"where is mark hyung's team?" he asks

"that is a great question" i say looking around

"they're in a different part of the building" a staff says

"ohhh"  we all say

"go in now and pick your practice room and sleeping areas" the staff says and we run in

this building is so big, its like the sm building but smaller- if that makes sense. the practice room we picked wasn't big big but it would work for us, it was covered with mirrors and there was two windows. one in the middle of the wall and  one on the side. the walls were a pale shade, almost peach. my favourite part about the whole room was the reading ledge it had, it was by the window in the middle. not bothering anything, just sitting there, perfect.

"so guys what song should we pick?" jaemin asks, falling to the floor

"something fun you know" luna says, voicing her thoughts.

as they continue to talk i can't help being drawn to the reading ledge, as i sit and think i remember that boy who made me feel like the prettiest girl ever once he laid his eyes on me. that boy who gave me massive butterflies once he would say my name, that boy who i miss so much right now and i don't even know why.

"guys i'm going to get some more water" i say walking towards the door

"hurry back, noona" chenle shouts and i nod walking out the door

as i walk down the halls, i see that familiar boy who makes my heart flutter, mark lee.

"mark!" i shout and start running to the boy

"jiyoon hi" he says as i run towards him

"i missed you" i say suddenly wrapping him in a hug, "like a lot and i don't even know why"

"i missed you too yoyo" he says hugging me back "don't tell jaemin i called you that" he says laughing. i could feel him vibrate with happiness

" i could stay like this forever" i whisper into his chest as soon as he calms down

"so can i" he whispers back, "i love you, jiyoon"

"i love you too, mark"


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