chapter 15

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jiyoon's p.o.v

"안녕, 내 어린 형제 자매들." heechul oppa says walking into our dressing room. (hello my younger siblings)

"안녕!" i say bowing. (hello)

"안녕 kids!" leeteuk oppa says walking in too. (hello)

"안녕!! oppa!!" i saw bowing, flustered. (hello)

"you never called me oppa and i let it slid" heechul oppa says pretending to be mad.

"oh sorry oppa" i say laughing, making him laugh.

"we just wanted to say; you did a really good job out there-" leeteuk starts but heechul cuts him off

"promoting our song and all" he says acting smug,

"yes, but most importantly giving sm a great image" he says smiling. oh leeteuk oppa, what do i do? he's so handsome.

"고맙습니다" we all say at the same time (thank you)

"anyways have a good day kids" leeteuk says walking off, smiling. amazing.


"you like leeteuk hyung?" donghyuck says from his spot.

"yeah, do you got a problem?" i say, pretending to act mad.

"i personally don't but" he trails off, pointing at mark, who looks sad.

"mark, are you ok?" i say going to sit next to him.

"yeah, why?" he ask looking at me confused, "you like super junior sunbaenims?"

"yeah, why?" i ask looking at him confused now. "but my ultimate most favourite group everrr is exo" i say laughing. "i love chanyeol oppa and kyungsoo oppa, oh and sehun oppa. i love all of them so very much" i say rambling off

"really? do you like their song mama?" he asks, crossing his arms.

"yes!!" i shout at him, "i did say i love them very much!!" i say getting up in a huff.

"well exo are outside right now" he says with a smug look on his face, "how would you react? hm, let's see." he says before guiding me out the door, where exo sunbaenims were.

"you're turning into donghyuck, you know" i whisper/yell at him.

"ahh hyung, xuimin hyung" mark says, waving his arm so he could catch xuimins attention.

"i hate you" i whisper when xuimin starts walking over here.

"i love you too" he says before xuimin reaches us. "hello hyung" mark says bowing and i bow with him.

"who is this?" he says gesturing towards me.

"oh i totally forgot, this is lee jiyoon, she's taeyongs sister." he says smugly, "and she's a big big fan of you." he says winking at me.

"really?" he says, his mouth turning into a 'o' shape, "oh jiyoon- chanyeol-ah, kyungsoo-ah" he says calling chanyeol and kyungsoo over.

"nope nope, i change my bias to haechan. i now like donghyuck. where is he?" i say trying to change the subject.

"yah! why haechan?! who did you like before?" he asks, smirking.

"shut up, i like jaemin. he's g, i miss him" i say frowning

"yes hyung?" kyungsoo and chanyeol say once they get to us.

"this is jiyoon and mark." he says gesturing to us.

"hello" we say bowing. oh my fricken god im gonna die!!!

"hello kids" they say smiling back. "which group are you in?" chanyeol says gesturing to me

i might actually pass out, "uhh pd-nim never gave us a name yet, but hop-pefully soon" i stutter at the end bc im talking to fricken chanyeol like it's all cool. NO ITS NOT IM DYING

"fighting! ill look out for your debut" he smiles at me. he's so beautiful oh my god, his beautiful big ears up close are so cute. he's amazing.

"jiyoon!" mark says bumping my shoulder and i glare at him.

"yah" i say lowly, "what?" i say, still glaring at him.

"can we leave now? you're just staring at him" he says pouting

"ugh you bought me here you meanie" i say pushing him softly.

"aw is jiyoonie mad?" he asks pinching my cheeks

"yah" i say jumping up and down like a little kid.

"cutie jiyoonie" he says running away.

i gasp "yah get back here!" i yell at the child that's running into our dressing room.

"ahh im sorry" i say bowing but they end up laughing. wae?

"you guys are the cutest couple, does pd-nim know you guys are dating? you could ask baekhyun how that went" kyungsoo says but xuimin oppa hits him but all he does is give him a look.

"we're not dating" i say awkwardly.

"ah really?" chanyeol asks looking confused " you guys looked like a real couple. well that sucks." he says crossing his arms. HES ADORABLE!!!

"anyways i should go back, thank you for talking to me chanyeol oppa and kyungsoo oppa" i say bowing, "and thank you xuimin oppa for letting me talk to your members even tho it was awkward." i say bowing to him.

"no problem" xuimin says walking away.

"im a really big fan of you chanyeol oppa" i say laughing and running away. i have no guts whatsoever. "i hate you mark" once im in the dressing room. "im gonna call jaemin" i say sticking out my tongue at him and grabbing his phone

jaemin: yah what do you want
jiyoon: yah jaeminie you're so mean to me all the time
"yah give me my phone" mark says trying to reach for his phone
jaemin: sorry yoyo i thought you were one of the guys haha
jiyoon: it's ok you're nicer than the boys haha
"mark can't even be mad at you bc you laughed" donghyuck says laughing
"shut up donghyuck" mark says pushing him
jaemin: jiyoon i gotta go but i love you hehe
"mark is mad at you na jaemin" donghyuck says grabbing the phone and putting it on speaker
jaemin: not even sorry hyung ha
jiyoon: bye jaeminie i love u too and see you soon !!
"gross" i hear mark say from behind me
"ugh mark lee" i groan, rolling my eyes once i hung up

"i can't believe you actually switched bias'" he says rolling his eyes

"i was kidding markie oppa" i say acting cute and hugging him, "forgive me?"

"mark hyung stopped breathing" jisung says laughing

"ugh" mark says sighing making me sit down, "im gonna kill them" he says before he buries his head in my neck

"it's ok, it's ok, don't hurt chenle" i say, my mother instincts coming out. "he's like my son" i say before i laugh and push him on the floor

"you're mean" he says pretending to glare at me.

"gotta go, gotta get that shotgun" i say laughing running down the hall.


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