chapter 38

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calling; deep voice MANS😻



yes, jiyoon. what's wrong?

nothing, im just surprised
you answered my call

i would never miss yr call
no matter what

felix, can u like not
make my heart race for like
two seconds, thanks

i miss you, that's all

are you love sick ?

hey don't laugh at me
why did u have to leave

im only in busan
ill be back later
anyways i called you
for a reason

im hurt
you just didn't want
to talk to me???

nono i did
i love hearing your
deep voice in the mornings

that's what i like to hear

ok anyways
we have to meet up
at a cafe
ill send u the address l8er

why did u get so serious
im scared
but okok
i luv u, have fun in busan bby

ugh i love u too
now bye
see u later

bye bby

"ugh he drives me crazy" i say, to no one in particular

"in a good way, right?" mina asks, standing up on her chair to look at me from in front, smirking at me once i hung up, "shes blushinggg"

"shush!" i hush her, "do you want the whole train to hear you?"

"kind of" she smiles turning around

9:00 pm

"i must go" i say once we get back to our dorm

"where are you going at 9 o'clock ??" yejin asks, in her pink and white zootopia pyjamas

"you're such a kid" i shake my head, laughing "i have business to do, be back later"

"hey ! you were about to put on your white and grey snoopy pyjamas!!!" she yells once i close the door

"hi can i get a banana pie?" i ask the boy at the cashier, he nods writing it down

"i'll take it to you when it's ready" he smiles, gesturing me to sit down and i nod walking towards a table to wait for my pie & felix

"here you are, ma'am" the cashier boy, says putting down my pie.

"thank you, jihoon" i say reading his name tag. oh my god jihoon ugh i hAve war flashbacks haha, "i hear your name all the time" i laugh, awkwardly

"huh?" he questions, a confused look plastered on his face

"oh- i- my name is jiyoon and people always call me jihoon" i say rolling my eyes

"your name is pretty" he laughs, "now if only your name was nam jiyoon" he winks at me, laughing

"haha you're funny, nam jihoon" i laugh off this awkward situation

"i could make you, mrs nam jiyoon" he laughs again, obviously enjoying this situation

"excuse me?" felix questions walking into the little cafe, "are you hitting on my woman?" he says eyeing jihoon

"i-i-im giving her this pie" jihoon says, walking back to his cashier

"you really flirting with someone with the same name as park jihoon from wanna one???"

"1 his name was nam jihoon and 2 i only have eyes for you" i smile at him, winking

"good" he smiles "so what're we here for?"

"ok felix, you know how i feel about you; i love you as in more than a friend and-" he cuts me off, grinning like a mad man

"you know that was the first time one of us confessed to one another" he says, smirking now

"you told me you loved me multiple times" i say nervously

"yeah, as a "friend" he says, using quotation marks

"you- i- feeeelix" i groan laying my head on the table, hiding my red cheeks

"it's okay, i love you more than a friend too" he winks, making me blush moreee, "anyways if you're gonna ask me out, do it now" he winks, while i continue

"aNYWAYs i was gonnnna ask" i say playing with my whipped cream, not daring to look at felix "what are we?"

"we are two hopelessly in love teenagers" he smiles, reassuringly at me

"ok mr poetic, where's jihoon?" i say teasing him

"oh i see" he playfully glares at me, "you're trying to make me jealous"

"me? i could never" i gasp "anyways i must get back, im having a movie night with jaemin and the rest" i smile getting up

"two can play this game" he glares, "it's on, jiyoon"

"whatever do you mean?" i say, "ill phone you tomorrow" i kiss his cheek, walking out. i came to tell him about my feelings and now we're playING A GAME ???!

new notification: deep voice MANS😻: so how..
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deep voice MANS😻:
so how's your movie ?

it's gr8
this is stupid
what're we doing

uh you're watching a movie
with jaemin
& im in bed with changbin 🤷‍♀️

1 i was jOKING and 2
i hope u two r happy (:

1 we are and 2 i kicked him off
my bed bc that's your spot ;)


incoming call: deep voice MANS😻


"bby dont be mad i love u"

"yeah yeah. can u answer
my question now?"

"stop whining you're so cute
but okay what is it? what are we?"


"ok; this not how i wanted
to do it but kwon jiyoon, would
you do me the honour of going out
on a date with me?"

"id be happy to"

"yes bby, ill pick you up tmrw"

"ok, im going to bed. i love you"

"i love you. good night"

im beaming, "sanha" i call from my bed

"what is it?" she groans turning around in her bed to face me

"im going on a date with felix!" i smile, sighing

"bitch finally. good night" she says turning around to face the wall

"good night" i say before falling asleep

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