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So I'm here just casually watching the Winter Olympics opening ceremony becuase it only happens ONCE EVERY 4 YEARS

So yeah I'm just watching it, not full because I missed the first half because my brother dcided that watching an episode of Gravity Falls that he already watched was more important



It just ended and my tablet died whilst I was going to record it on Snapchat

I kid you not,

I'm crying

I'm just hoping my friend Taylor aka Gaylor was recording it because this is one of the best moments of my life

I'm BTS and Haikyuu trash, don't judge me

I'm so happy

But like I'm writing this whilst having no access to wifi so this'll go up later

While on the topic of Haikyuu (we weren't on that topic and I know)

I love it so much, like Fairy Tail may have been my, as you could call it, anime origin story and I love it dont get me wrong byt I'm 1000000000% sure that I'm Haikyuu obsessed

hold on though

Korea just came out and I'm basically crying, like screw the US, I'm cheering for Korea and Japan

Sue me

I'm so happy rn

I've never actually truly watched the Olympics and my first time is amazing

For some reason though I want to scream


Sue me

I wish I were there, but no I'm at some persons house that I don't even know because of family troubles

Oh, some old guy is singing, I missed his name but the song's pretty cool

I wish I knew Korean, I'll study it after I learn Japenese

This is so cool

The music is so beautiful, truly a work of art

Back on Haikyuu cause it's a commercial

I love it

My goal is to become Kenma

It's going back to the Olympics now

This is amazing


This star and sky thing is so cool, omg

I didnt take keyboarding so I cant type that well without looking

These lights are going to the ceiling

I'm amazed and this is only the opening ceremony

More fireworks now

Commercial time

This is going to be the longest chapter I've posted for this story

Also if you read "Reo is Happy" then I'm going to unpublish this and re-write it and finish it

By finish it I mean that I'm going to wirte it all at once and seperate the chapters

This will lesten my chance at getting writers block due to the stress of updating so it might have the prolouge in March

Olympics back

I wish I knew Korean so much right now

I legit see people Snapchatting this it's kinda hilarious

Speaking in Korean is messing me up

Offically opened Olympics- 9:27

More fireworks

Children are walking across the floor with candles

Now some Korean singers are well, singing in Korean..............

It's a beautiful song

The doves are off

Snowboarding drones...

And skiing people

The firework Olympic symbol and with the drones and that is an amazing sight to see

These Olympic commercials are lit tho

Olympics are back again

The couldren is about to be lit

It's gonna be lit

But wait there's more

Olympic anthem

Lez go

Never heard it before

Raising the flag while the opera lady sings

It's was nice unitl my brother ruined it

Like he's doing now

He needs to shut up

She has a beautiful voice, I can't sing for shit tho

Olympic flame

I'm so excited for this

I'm so happy

It's an Olympic torch relay rn

So cool

I'm sitting at home though

The shadow of the flame, sorry not sorry, lit

The couldren it being lit, I'm so read for this (not)

They're at the top

She's figure skating, Yuna Kim (I caught her name just in time)

She's lighting the couldren

It's was amazing, I'm shooketh

This is so cool like I can't even right now

Fireworks are going off

Lez do this

They're dancing, these masked, never mind, unmasked people

I can't dance to save my life

So many more fireworks

It's amazing

Like I said a million times already

Fire everywhere

Its lit

This music is reminding me of the Haikyuu satge play right now byt that's besides the point

These people have firework backpacks

I want one

But then again I'll probably just kill myself with it by lighting myself on fire

They're dancing

With fireworks

And I'm utterly amazed

They just made histroy with that show

Just like they were born to if you know what I mean


The show ended and I'm amazed and I'm going to watch this Olympics all the way through this year

Well, next chapter thing is going to be all about Haikyuu, be ready for that

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