Chapter 22

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I heard the sirens. I ran and ran till I found a cave. I heard the sirens near the forest. I laid down on the floor ears pressed against my head as I heard the car doors slam from afar and men talking as I heard many footsteps throughout the forest. I. Turned back into my human form... except... today of all days had to be the 1 in 20, where when I change back into my human form Where I don't have anything on me except my undergarments.... Why this happens, I have no idea. I heard footsteps walk toward the cave and I backed up till I hit the cave wall. Brought my knees to my chest and used my tail to cover the rest. I saw a dim light come near me as the footsteps drew near. I winced as the light directly hit me and closed my eyes. The next thing I know I'm being held in someone's arms.
"Hey... it's ok.."
"Laurence...?" I said as I opened my eyes.
"Yes here take this." He said as he took of his shirt and gave me it and turned around. "Don't worry I won't look." He said as I slowly got up put on the shirt. Next thing I know he turns around and picked me up bridal style.
"W-where are you taking me to?"
"My house." He said and I stayed quiet the rest of the way there.
When we got there he brought me to his room and placed me on the bed. "Stay here, I'm going to ask Cadi if she can let you borrow some clothes." I nodded as he left the room and a minute later he came back was some shorts and a t-shirt for me to ware.
"There is a bathroom across the hall."
"Thanks.." I said and he nodded. I went to the bathroom and got changed then walked back. He was sitting on his bed and I sat down next to him.
"That was very stupid.."
"What happened?"
"Gene plans on replacing me with my sister."
"I told you that they were no good."
"At least they were their for me, I just thought this never could happen."
"When I was a freshman they replaced a guy named Vincent with me, it's normal."
"Ya but still... Anyway now that I'm here what were you planning to tell me next weekend?"
"So there is this girl," My heart sunk, "that I know who I like but I don't know how to ask her out. I need advice."
"It depends on the girl that you want to ask, There are some who like these huge extravagant things planned out, and then there is girls like me who wouldn't mind just sitting on the couch and watch a movie, maybe get some ice cream, or hangout in the beach, or park." I said shrugging and he nodded. "So who is the lucky girl?"
"Oh, it's a secret for now."
"Does Garroth know?"
"You must be serious about this."
"Ya. I am." He said and my wolf ears fell flat on my head and he looked at them.
"I have another question."
"What dose this mean to you?" He asked as he pulled out a book from his bag. 'Ancient Myths and Folklore: Book 5 Ultimas' my eyes widened.
"I-I don't know what your talking about... Ultimas are Extinct.."
"Regular werewolf's can't turn into a wolf, at least not by their own will, they also have one solid fur color, your ears and tail have two, your eyes glow purple with a hint of red when mad and you always carry around black sunglasses or a kerchief.." He looked at me.
"It's just a fur dye, I carry sunglasses cause my eyes are sensitive, and others werewolf's can turn into wolves.."
"Ya, 2-3 Foot tall wolves, not 5, 6 feet!"
"I don't understand why your so interested in this..?!... Why do you want to know about... this m... monster..." I whispered the last part.
"Just tell me the truth..."
"What do you think your gaining out of all this?"
"I don't know.." he said and I sighed and got up.
"Then it doesn't matter... thank you for the hospitality, but I need to go."
"Wait.." I looked back as I grasped the door nob and my eyes started watering as I looked back, I nodded as I opened the door.
"Good day..." I said as I walked out.

I walked home and walked to my room and locked the door as I then stood in front of the mirror. I closed my eyes and then opened them to see my ultima eyes, the part of me that I hated the most. The part of me that could make me a monster. The part of me I never showed to my adoptive mother, sister, friends.. nobody. The part of me that could kill hundreds at a glance. I closed my eyes and they turned back into their normal (e/c) shade. I never even told my adoptive family about me being able to turn into a wolf, and since the hour of the wolf is normally at night they wouldn't be able to see it either. They know I'm a werewolf, but I won't be able to tell them that I'm a ultima.I walked toward a wooden floor board that was under my desk and pried it off and took out an old box then I placed the board back. I looked at the photos of my family, and our house in the forest.

~3Person Pov: Flashback~

"Come on Lilly!!" A young girl yelled.
"I'm running as fast as I can!" Laughter was heard through the forest as the two children played.
"Bark! bark!" The samoyed puppy followed behind the two!
"Sweethearts! Hunter!! Come on we need to go! We are going to see Uncle Derek!" A middle age woman named Anna said as she walked out of the house to the back yard. Her eyes were stained green from an accident that happened 3years ago. Her husband a Tall man with Jet Black hair, (E/c) eyes, and (S/c) walked behind her and packed two bags into their S.U.V.
"Common kids, lets get hunter in the car!" The man asked the two 3 year olds.
"Okie!" The two twins yelled As they led the fluffy white pup into the car.
Once the car was packed they drove through the mountainous forest. During the drive, dark grey storm clouds loomed into view and the ferocious streaks of lightning pierced through the sky. There was no guard rail and the road was slippery as they did live in the far end of the forest where not many lived. The girls were playing with their dolls and the pup was asleep in the back seats. All the sudden two flashing lights peaked on the road. A drunk truck driver going at speeds of 40 miles per hour. They were only 30 minuets from their destination when the drunk driver speed towards their car. The father of the girls swerved their car to avoid the crash, the night from the road they were at and the floor below was 50 feet. The road was slippery and the car tumbled down the slope. Screams were heard and tears where shed as the car finally made it to the bottom.
"Mom... Dad? *sniff* Lilly? HUNTER?" The girl cried as she saw the once pure white coat covered in red. Her legs were cut and bruised, since she sat on the middle seat little harm came her way. Her family weren't as lucky. She managed to crawl out of the upside down car via an open window.
"Help Please! *howl* Somebody..." the young girl cried as a pack of wolves came near and scouted the perimeter. "Please...!"
Hours later the paramedics and police came only to confirm that the four family members were dead. They opened the trunk and in it was this box, full of pictures letters And later to add to it the girl put in the dolls she played with.
"Are they ok...?" The girl asked as she was handed the box.
"Sweet heart, I'm sorry but I'm afraid they have gone to see irean.."
"I don't understand? When will they be back? Why didn't they take me with them?" The 4 year old asked.
"It's not something people do willingly, I'm afraid. Don't worry.. we will find you another family.."
"My ex wife, she has a daughter I'm sure she wouldn't mind taking care of another." A man said as the lady nodded.

A few days later the girl was brought to a home near the center of Phoenix drop she carried a backpack with the box, and some cloths. She was following a dark haired Latina woman to a car.
"Hello cutie! My name is Zylvana I'm your, Well just call me mama. I'm sure my daughter, Aphmau, will be excited to have a new sister! There is a lot of space in the house for you to run around and play!"
"What about Lilly? Or mama and papa! Is hunter ok? The other people wouldn't tell me, they just said they went to see some lady named irean without me..."
"I'm afraid you won't be able to see them any time soon....But, Hey! We can have just as much fun as you did. Oh wait I forgot to ask, silly me! What's your name Mija?"
~Flashback ends~

My Broken Heart (Laurence X  Reader) Book 1: Broken Hearts.   {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now