Chapter 53 (Finale)

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I woke up in the morning dreading it. 'I didn't want to leave.. I didn't want to say goodbye to my friends... my family... my love.. I'm only allowed to take some cloths, my secret box, Hunter, hunters things, and a few photos. I will need to leave my phone and get a new one. This all happened so fast, I wish I had a normal life so none of this would happen.' I thought as I finished up packing and getting dressed since Rika is going to pick me up soon. I was about to walk downstairs when I saw my letter on the desk for Laurence I picked it up and lugged down the last suitcase downstairs. I heard a knock at the door and opened it to see Rika she helped me put my bags in the trunk. I gave a hug to my mom and to Aphmau then looked at Rika and she nodded. I held onto the letter as I ran tears flowing from my eyes as I stopped at the door and knocked. The door opened a bit then it opened and I came to see the smiling face of my love.
"Hey, (Y/n) what's going-" I interrupted him with a rough passionate kiss gave him the letter then ran back to the car leaving him there speechless at his front door. I got into the black Audi A6 where hunter was already waiting in the back seat. Rika then got in and  drove off not saying a word.. 'goodbye...'

Laurence's POV:
I woke up to the sound of a knock at my front door. I quickly got changed into a tea shirt and shorts and then walked downstairs to open it since cadenza was at a fashion show and Haden was at work. I smiled trying to hide the fact that I was like a zombie came back to life. I slowly opened the door to see (Y/n) a crying mess. "Hey, (Y/n) what's wrong-" I was interrupted buy a swift rough kiss and then she pulled away pushing a letter to my chest then running off. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" I said as she got into a car that drove off. 'Cool it Laurence, she is probably PMSing or something and she is going to the mall. No, then why wouldn't she text me... Ugh, let's not jump to conclusions. She gave me a letter, so I should read it, right...?' I thought to myself as I opened the white envelope with care trying not to rip it nor the letter itself.

'My Dearest, Laurence.
      I'm so sorry I wasn't able to tell you before, as I was just made aware of this yesterday, but I'm moving. Something has just happened and for your, and everyone else's, safety it's best I don't talk much to you about it. I'm very sorry it has to be this way but I was given no choice, I either can stay here and risk everyone whom I care about's lives, or I can leave at the expense of my own happiness. As you are getting this letter, I guess you can guess which one I chose.

      I just want to make clear that non of this is because of you. You are the kindest, most loving, caring, and compassionate person I know. (And yes, you are handsome too...) You made me smile when I was sad, you saved me from my demons, you made me forget about my past and try to look for a better future. You are my everything.

          All of this is because of me, well some damn curse placed upon my family. Due to the circumstances I was placed in, I will not be able to call you or any of my friends or family from Phoenix drop high. I will be changing my phone number and delete all my social media accounts till the issue is resolved so no one will come to hurt you because you are associated with me. If anything were to happen to you because of me I would never be able to forgive myself...

           With deepest regret I must also say this..... I think it's best we break up..... It's not that I don't love you, trust me I love you with all my heart, but I don't know how long I will have to be away for. (I can't believe I'm writing this....) Because of which I don't want you to feel like you can't find any new possible love interests because you hold on to your love of me. That's selfish... and even though it breaks my heart I know this is for the best. I love you and I'm sorry..
(Y/n) Lycian.'

After reading that I fell down onto my knees. 'No... This can't be happening.' I started to cry, I got up and I ran in the direction that the car was going and after a few minutes I stopped and collapsed onto the closest empty bench. 'Why couldn't I be there to stop this... Now she's gone... and she let me.. with My Broken Heart..'

The End....

My Broken Heart (Laurence X  Reader) Book 1: Broken Hearts.   {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now