Chapter 23

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Btw the picture at the top Is Hunter, the Real Hunter. His name is Hunter the 3rd, even though he is my first dog irl. he is loving affectionate, playful, and funny! But most of all he is the best companion a girl could ask for!

Y/n's Pov:
After the flashback of my family and what happened I put away the box. I haven't ever tould anyone anything about it, what's in the box, and my past. I was crying. Of course who wouldn't, it was about 11 years ago when this happened but still it hurts. That's why I have been trying to make a forever potion that can bring them back, I still have a book from my old house's library on ancient spells, potions, and other crazy things. That was the only other thing I took with me other than the box and cloths. After my crying fit was over I turned on the TV. 'If you see a 5 Foot wolf please contact Animal control.' This is what I saw on 6 main wether and News stations. Then there are the people claiming they got 'attacked' by me, I only attacked one person because I was trying to save my friends ass, that was it. Also The park is closed for the next 24 hours which is great.... please note the sarcasm. 'Might as well try to finish the potion.' I thought as I walked to Mr. Valkrums store, I had previously bought a few supplies and needed to get them so since I have nothing else to do I might as well see if he has the supplies yet. I opened the door and herd the chime of the bells above my head.
"Hello Y/n, here for the supplies I see?" Mr. Valkrum asked as I saw him grabbing a box.
" Yes sir."
"Well here it is, before you go I must ask. What are you planning to do with these ingredients?" He said and raised his eyebrow.
"Oh, I had this one potion in mind. You see I heard you can use the ingredients to make a revival potion."
"You do know that's part of the dark arts right.."
"And there is little knowledge on that potion."
"Yes, but their was 5 original books that weren't burned."
"So you think you could have found one."
"Possibly. If I do I will give you the recipe for the revival potion."
"Sounds like a fair trade."
"So who is your test subject?"
"My family.."
"No, no not that family. My original family, my dog to be precise."
"Ok you scared me for a second."
"Sorry about that!"
"It's fine kiddo, Just get going, be careful."
"I will thank you so much!" I said as I walked out of the store and walked home.

"Hola Mija! What's in the box?"
"Oh just some things I bought from eBay. Mainly video games, bye!" I said as I closed and locked the door to my room. I took out the ingredients and pulled out the cauldron I had gotten for my birthday, and the stand to put my book. I placed in and measured each ingredient carefully. By the time I was done i had a full cauldron of a black and green liquid potion. I poured the substance into 8 bottles and placed them in a bag that had wool around each bottle so it wouldn't break I placed the bag in a separate non school backpack and cleaned the remains of the substance from the cauldron and put the cauldron away along with the stand and placed the book in my backpack and walked to the 67 ST. Animal cemetery. I poured one of the bottles onto the grave and said the incantation on the bottom of the page. Nothing happened.. I waited for an hour then I decided to leave when I heard the ground shake Beneath my dogs grave and the coffin sprung out of the ground and the locked opened along with the coffin itself. "Hunter?" I asked as I looked in and saw a beautifully white fluffy Samoyed pup with now bright green eyes spring out of it and jump on me.
"Hunter!!" I screamed as the puppy licked my face. "You need a bath!" I laughed as I hugged the pup. "It's great to have you back." I said as I took out his old leather leash from my bag.
"Bark!!" The pup ran around and allowed me to slip on the leash.
"Let's go!!" I said and we ran back to Mr. Valkrum's store. I opened the door.
"So this little guy must be the one you were talk about." The man smiled.
"Yep! And as promised here is a copy of the instructions, also after the ritual is done you may need to wait a bit! Oh and here" I hand him one of the bottles, "It's the potion when finished keep it as a Thanks!" I said as I waved and the pup followed me 'home'.

"Mija! Who is this adorable Fluffy snow ball?"
"My dog!! His name is hunter! Don't worry I will take him on walks feed him, brush him and play with him!"
"Ok.... but where did you get him from?"
"Well actually...." thinks of the truth but then said a lie, "Um I bought him with the money from my job!"
"Ok, but don't they cost at least 3,000 dollars your job pays you barley 100 per day." 'Shit'
"Yes but I had some money saved and I sold some cloths."
"Ok..." my mom said. "Also tell your sister the hot dogs are done!"
"What I actually made hotdogs?"
Kneels at hunters level. "Don't worry I won't let anything bad happen to you!" I then pet his fluffy face and he licks my hand. Then I take off his leash and collar and I put a finger over my mouth and I pat my knees signaling him to follow me. We walk upstairs and I open the door to Aphs room and then the fluffy puppy bursts in and jumps on the bed.
"OMGSH ITS SOOOO FLUFFY!!!" She screams!
"It's name is hunter! He is a pure bred Samoyed! His father was a championship dog! One of the first 14 breeds of dogs!" (All this is fact) I smiled as the pup jumped down and sat next to me and I pet him. "He is my dog though! And he has been with me through a lot!"
"But I thought you said you just bought him?"
"Well can you keep a secret?"
You then explain everything that happened in the last 30 minuets and the potion and how Hunter was your dog and he died in a freak accident, which is true but you don't explain it.
"Wow! You know what this means!? You can bring people back to life!! You know how many people you can save!"
"Yes but... it's very pricey and it's part of the dark arts a forbidden spell.. it's illegal so please don't tell anyone I told you!"
"Ok... only if..."
"If what?"
"If you help Me delete the black mail Gene got!" My eyes widened at this.
"Ok.... I'll need Arron's help though."
"Why.? "
"Because Gene also has some info on me... and he might tell it if I do anything irrational."
"But don't Arron and Gene hate each other?"
"Yep! But for now let's go downstairs the foods done!" I said as I ran downstairs with the puppy and feed it some dog food then I washed my hands then sat down to eat. When I was done I looked through the letters from Uncle Derik and Aunt Rachel who also sent me a few letters over the years. "bingo!" I said as I found Arron's Phone number and dialed it into the phone.
"Hello?" The male voice said.
"Hi, is this Mr. Arron Lycian?
"Yes, who is this?"
"My name is (Y/n), I'm Aphmau's adoptive sister, she needs help."
"Why didn't she tell me?"
"Because She is scared."
"Look Gene, Leader of the Shadow knights, has these photos of Aph that he is using for blackmail."
"Got it."
"Wait! One more thing how did you get my phone number?"
"You will find out soon enough. Thank you again and good bye." I said and hanged up.

My Broken Heart (Laurence X  Reader) Book 1: Broken Hearts.   {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now