Chapter 32 Part 2

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Y/n Pov:
"Follow me" he said.

I turned off the computer and followed him outside. "Where are we going?"
"Just a little place.." he said as he took my hand and we ran into the woods till we found an empty lot that had no trees and the grass was either dead or non existent. I looked at me questionably and he motioned me to stay and he walked back a bit. "I didn't want to show anyone this... nor was I planning to but after you told me about what happened to your family, and I feel like I could trust you with this." My eyes widened as I saw a red and orange aura surrounding him, his blue eyes had a rim like fire around the pupils that faded into the sky blue and from his hands he summoned fire that he transformed into a sword and shield.
"Cool right?"
"It's amazing!"
"That's not all I can do though.." and from his hands he manipulated the fire to look like a flower and he made it move towards me. "Go on it won't hurt you.." I placed the fiery flower in my hand and it turned into a beautiful red and orange tulip in my grasp. I was drawn to him, the fire that surrounded his being. As then he used the fire to give him the wings of a phoenix and he flew a couple feet in the air before falling back down on his feet onto the soft dirt. I felt this weird feeling, I walked toward him. "Y/n? Are you ok?" I nodded before clutching my head from a huge pain.
"Yeah I'm fine...*Gasp*" I fell down and got back up concerned he walked close to me.
"Here let me-" he touched my head.
    I flew back a few feet before feeling myself being lifted off the ground 3 or four feet and feeling myself go into a trance like state. I was conscious but not there mentally. A bright gold light surrounded my body and a circle with a dragon skull and some patterns were beneath my feet I curled myself into a ball like position with each hand on the opposite shoulder as my head was forced to look down. As an immense-pain shot through my spine as I felt two holes being pierced through my skin as then I fell down onto the earth and my eyes closed. I opened my eyes a few seconds later regaining my strength and control.
"...L-Laurence what... what happened?" I said trying to get up on my feet and falling back down and He caught me he had a worried expression on his face.
"Are you sure your ok?"
"You have (f/c) dragon wings sticking out of your back."
"WHAT! That means... the last potion.."
"When we were little we met, i dont remember it though, a guy named Michael put potions on Garroth, Katlyn, aphmau, you, and myself. Katlyn and Garroth got strength, Aph has the ability to heal, you are fire born, I-I have 5 lives, I've used 1, I also have bones of steal hence why I punch hard and when I fall from trees it doesn't hurt, and now I have some weird dragon wings?"
"Dragons Soul." Someone said.
"Miss. Rika your here!?"
"You have the soul of a dragon, hence why you have those wings, you can hide them with your will and they will go back into your skin, and you can transform into a dragon."
"How do you know about this?"
"The dragon soul potion was used a long time ago in the dark ages by the Kingdom of Emis, an old kingdom that is no longer existent due to years of war and the take over of Tula, it was used for the first born male if he wasn't born with dragon wings so that the line would be continued." Rika Explain, Laurence was still holding on to me. "Close your eyes like you would for your wolf form except vision yourself without the wings, if you want to turn yourself into a dragon vision yourself as a dragon, if you want your wings back vision yourself with the wings, it's rather simple." She said and I nodded as I envisioned me without my wings and I felt the wings shrink and go into my skin until they were hidden.
"Thanks but how did you find us?"
"As your godmother and protector it's only natural that I know where you are, you were going deep into the forest and I was worried for your safety." I nodded as she spoke. "As your godmother I must ask...." she lowered her glasses a bit and looked at us and had a big smile. "So.. are you two lovers or friends with benefits?"
My face turned bright red.  "We are just friends." I managed to spit out.
"Oh really? The way your clinging on to him, and the way he is holding you says otherwise."
"R-RIKA!!" I said and she laughed.
"Don't worry I'm just teasing you two, I may be serious but I like to have fun sometimes." She smiled.
"R-right.." I nodded as I looked up to see Laurence's Blushing yet smug face.
"If you must know... We are dating!" Laurence smirked.
"WHAT? BUT I.. WE? HUH?" I was flustered and he chuckled as a response.
"Just kidding.." he smirked then his face turned saddened.
"Well since you two are not getting yourselves into trouble I best be going."  She said  and waved as she walked into the forest.
"Hey..." I said looking at him. "It's getting late.. and it's.. OH SHITE!" I said as I looked up to see the full moon rising. "I.. I'm... Im sorry I don't have time to explain.." I said and then he sadly let go.
"I know.. Just go I'll see you in the morning."
"Just go already!" I could see that he was pained. I turned around didn't look back and ran to the cave that had my little layer that had a vault specificity made for my hour of the wolf transformation. As I slammed the door shut I felt myself being transformed into the wolf. 'Why.. why today..' I thought as I laid on the floor in my wolf form. 'It happened again, my red eyes.. the guilt for leaving him... I can't continue this.. I don't want to hurt him nor see him hurting because of me...' I thought as I waited till the hour ended and with a heavy heart I walked back home and went to bed.

My Broken Heart (Laurence X  Reader) Book 1: Broken Hearts.   {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now