the funeral

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the morning was solemn, here in the slums. since there isn't much money anywhere here, people just bury there loved ones wherever they can. so we went were there was some trees and sunlight reached the ground. and there is were they buried him.

"every time the sun hits this spot we will remember you." jake managed to say, as he and his mother stood, his grandmother wasn't able to leave the house. he was buried in a small wooden coffin that jake was able to throw together was some extra fire wood. there weren't any tomb stones so jake managed to push a very large rock over his grave so it wasn't dug up by wild animals.

with all the melancholy in the air, Jake couldn't shake the feeling of having to work soon on such a dreadful day.

once he arrived at work he told his few coworkers of what happened, and they all ended up pitching in, and each gave him a dollar, and that made up his daily salary. after he graciously thanked every one, he headed home to weep for one days passing.

he just walked inside the house and went to his room, but if he wouldn't have been selfish, and grieved with his mother and grandmother, he may have had the chance to speak to his grandmother again.

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