|Shot 47| • Drunk • |Stenbrough|

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Before you read, if you're not following BleachGulper definejarchie castlebowers jyattsmom gallugher d-aydreams then water you doing with your life? Go follow them and read their stories, "like right now" -Wyatt Oleff ~Jae👑

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Eleven o'clock at night, I was still up, staring at the ceiling from my bed. What was on my mind? Stanley Uris.

My best friend, my smile, my laugh, my everything. And before I could swallow my heartache and try to sleep, my phone went off. It was a text from Stan. My heart rate sped up.

Stan💘: billlllllIamm!!1

What the hell?

You: Stan? where are you?

Stan💘: im with trasghmouth

You: oh god
You: oh dear god
You: pass the phone to Richie please

Stan💘: okkiIIAY!!!1
Stan💘: Sup lozer
Stan💘: it's ya boi

You: Are you drunk? what have you
done to Stan? is he druNK?

Stan💘: I'm fine. Stan on the
other hand...

You: richie, you asshole. where
are you guys?

Stan💘: Chill, Big Bill, he's fine.
we're at haystack's place

You: Do you have any idea want
time it is? I'm coming to get him

You: give the phone back to Stan, please

Stan💘: Fine, here

Stan💘: hwwwwy bIIIlll!!1

You: Stan? Are you alright?

Stan💘: iiiiiiimm olaaaay b!I'll!

Fucking Richie.

You: Stanny, stay there okay?
I'm gonna come there

Stan💘: okwwy!!1

I clicked off my phone and shoved it in my pocket. I hoisted myself off my bed, slipped on my shoes, grabbed my keys, and bolted out the door to my car.

Good thing Ben didn't live too far, and I arrived at his house less than ten minutes later. I hopped out of my car and ran to the door. The scent of alcohol hit my nose as soon as I stepped in the door.

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