I can't believe she just... did that! I thought. Literature stood up slightly shaking, but still sturdy and strong. The dagger dematerialized in her hand, and she wiped tears from her face. I tried to console her. I walked toward her, and started to put a hand on her shaking shoulder. "Literature... I- I'm sor-" Literature interrupted me, and brushed my hand from her shoulder. "Don't." Literature continued walking down the path, and all of us stared after her. Why did she just brush me away like that? I felt confused... and... rejected. Gaming came up behind me and place his strong arms around my shoulders. "It's okay. She just needs space." I nodded, leaning into him. "Maybe you could talk to her Romance? You're better friends with her than me." Romance nodded curtly and caught up with Literature, leaving the rest of the group, and Gaming's hands intertwined with mine.