Chapter 1:Hurt

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(Tears come from the heart and not from the brain)

   I lay at the bottom of the wooden stairs bloody,beaten and bruised the taste of blood running from my top lip into my mouth my vision goes blurry, I see blurry legs coming down the stairs and they step over me

"Don't wait up for me, and clean this mess up" the front door slams, I pull myself up with the banister I hold myself up as, I limp upstairs to the bathroom I try not to look at myself in the mirror but I did now, i immediately regret it I look at the bloody face and chuckle
"How did I get myself into this predicament" I drop my head and cry
"Alexa!" I call out to the amazon echo
"Dim the lights"
"Ok" the lights dim and I go to the shower the water warms, I strip out of my clothes I walk in to the shower I let the water hit my body the water ran down my back, I move my face under the water gently washing off the blood memories of the recent events flooded my mind the water turned cold, I got out and wrap a towel around my torso, limping to my room I take a seat on the edge of the bed crying with my head down I stand up and finish drying off limping around the bed to my dresser, I put on my underwear grabbing a pair of sweats and a over sized shirt ,I limped down the stairs to clean up my blood I wipe down the walls and I go back upstairs getting into the bed in the fetal position crying myself to sleep

I feel the bed dip, and kisses on my neck and face, I feel the drawstring on my sweat pants begin pulled the hand of my aggressor moves into my underwear spreading my lips open moving two fingers in my hole
"Stop disrespecting me and I won't, have to do this and stop wearing underwear you know I hate that shit" I came and I get up and limp to the bathroom I pull off my clothes limping to the shower,I shower quickly and get out wrapping my towel around me repeating the same routine then I get back in bed

"Goodnight baby" I smelled the alcohol in the air,with the words that were spoken a while later I heard snoring then I go to sleep


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