Chapter 6:Home For The Weekend

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(There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved)
May 12

"Come on bey, we have to catch a flight"
"I-I'm coming" I walk into the living room, with my suitcase Nicki surprised me and we're going to see my family and I haven't seen most of them in years
"We have to be at the airport, in 30 minuets" she grabbed her suitcase and I grab mine, then we go to the car then, we drove for 20 minuets, then we go thru to our gate

Houston Airport

     So I decided that, I would take bey to see her family lord knows that I'm not built for this Houston heat, I'm bout to sweat my edges off, while we wait for our rental car to get here, I can't take this heat I need to get back to New York fast
"Huh" I wiped my forehead
"Thank you"
"For what babygirl"
"For this, I mean you didn't have to do this for me, but your a wonderful person" then she leaned in and then kissed me, I was confused but then I kissed back, bey realize that she needed air then she pulled away and smiled
"Y-your lips are soft" I chuckled
"Thank you so are your's" she blushed then the rental truck pulled up, and I open the door for bey
"After you" she got in then I put the bags in the truck, after that I walk around the truck so I can drive
"Did your mom give you the address"
"Yeah" I give her my phone then she puts the address in, then we drive for about 45 minuets then we reach a big house bey tenses up
"What's wrong bey" I turn the key in the ignition to turn the truck off
"I-I haven't seen them in about 7 years, and I know that they're going to ask why I haven't been around, and I know I'm going to cry"
"Awe bey it's going to be okay, I got you and I'll be here for you"
"Thank you Nicki" we get out of the truck and we lock hands, then we go to the front door we ring the door bell then an older version of Beyonce comes to the door

We ring the door bell, then my mom comes to the door
"Beyoncé is-is that you"
"Y-Yes" I let go of Nicki's hand, then I hug my mom, then she invited us in and we sat on the couch
"Momma I can't find my school id, or my parking pass, have you seen it" I seen my younger sister walking down the stairs then she stops
"Bey-Bey is that you" I stand up
"Y-Yes it's me" she runs over to me and jumps on me and we fall onto the carpet
"Solange" we get up and go to my childhood room
"Look we kept it exactly how you left it"
"I-i see and I love it"


I'm sitting on the couch with Mrs.Tina
"So how did you and bey meet"
"It's was a hard and long story"
"I'm sure that you can tell me"
"But I'm not sure if bey, wants me to tell you and if she wants you to know she'll tell you and it's better to hear it from the horses mouth then from an outsider looking in"
"I take it that you, respect her very much"
"And that I do"

Thoughts 💭

What is next for bey and Nicki?

Will bey give into her ex's bull shit?

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