Chapter 8:Blunt

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(In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can)
May 14

I'm laying with Nicki, and she was laughing at the movie and I noticed that she didn't have a bra on
"Why don't you have a bra on" she chokes then laughs
"Because bras are spawns from the devil"
"Nic that's a funny reason, to why you never wear bras"
"I know and besides, when you have porn star titties, you don't need bras" she said making me chuckle 
"I guess so"
"Lol and why you lookin at my breast perv"she chuckled as she covered them up
"Whatever , I can look if I want to"
"I guess you're right" she said, then she kissed my forehead, and continued to watch the move


After the movie bey went straight to sleep, then I got up to go to the kitchen when I got in the kitchen I see solange on her phone
"Hol on Girl I'll call you right back" she hung up her phone
"Omg your thee Nicki Minaj, How didn't I know that you were here"
"I don't know I've been here, I'm the one that brought bey"I chuckle
"Oh I can be alil slow sometimes, but why did you leave social media if you don't mind me asking" I shrug and sit down at the island, then she slides me a cup of hot cocoa
"So are you and my sister like "a thing" or something"
"I don't know" I reach for the back of my neck
"Oh you know"
"I really don't know, it's like I like bey but she's just I don't know"
"What do you mean"
"It's like she makes my heart smile, I don't know"
"Awe THEE Nicki Minaj is I like with my sister"
"Hahaha real funny but, you can stop calling me Nicki Minaj, I'm a normal person and plus my last name isn't even Minaj"
"For real, What is it"
"Oh that's pretty" solange and I talk for a long time until we both get tired we say our good nights the I go into beys room and I go to sleep

Thoughts 💭

Beyoncé is coming out of her shell?

Awe Nicki is in like with Beyoncé.

What do you think about Solange interrogating Nicki?

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