Chapter 11:Calling it Quits part 2

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(Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough)

Continued from chapter 10

As court went on, Beyoncé grew tense with her thoughts, Onika sensed her tension and started to rub the back of Beyoncé's hand with her thumb, the jury left to go deliberate Beyoncé stared at the table until the heavy oak door opened then closed, after that the jury came back into the court room
"Has the jury come to a conclusion" the judge asked
"Yes your honor, and we rule in favor of the plaintiff"
"Beyoncé Knowles is granted all access to bank accounts,assets and all businesses and Beyoncé is granted a divorce"Beyoncé's heart rejoiced and her and Onika smiled and cheer

After court

Me and Nicki walk to her car, then she gets a phone call but she put it on speaker
"Hey gyal change on plans, mamas comin today"Nicki's eyes shot open
"Um d-do you want me to send you a car or something"
"Yes that would be nice, and why ya stuttering"
"No reason but are you at the airport now"
"Damn it" Nicki mumbled
"What was that baybe"
"I said that, the driver will be there in about 10 minuets"
"Okay see ya in a bit" Nicki hung the phone up, then she made another call
"Is the house spotless"
"Is the kitchen stocked up"
"Call a car for my parents please"
"Ight" Nicki hung up and sighed
"Come on bey we gotta speed to my house" I got in and fastened my seatbelt causing Nicki to do the same, she pushed the start button then the car started, she then put it in gear after that she put the petal to the metal she sped out of the parking garage and made the green light just in time, she sped through the intersection and bent the corner, then she hit 90mps down a straight road after about 20 minuets of driving down the straightaway she slowed down just as she did we seen a black Escalade turn into Nicki's driveway
"Fuck!" She slammed her hand on the wheel, then she turns into her driveway


We get out of the car, and then we she my mom knocking on the door
"I'm right here ma"
"Well get here so you can open the door" I mentally roll my eyes and walk to the door to unlock it and we walk in
"Well hey princess"
"Hey daddy" I smile and we hug
"Hey sissy" I look down and she ming then she hugs my legs
"Hey Ming"
"Hey nicnac"
"Hey Caiah"we hug
"Um Onika who is that" my brother looked at Beyoncé
"Oh that's my girl Beyoncé-Beyoncé come introduce yourself" she walked over
"So is she your girl or your GIRL" my dad asked
"Daddy can you cut it out"
"Whateva Girl But Hey I'm Nicki's, dad Robert Maraj and this is my wife Carol Maraj and this is Ming and Micaiah"
"It's nice to meet you all" Beyoncé said shyly
"You to sweetheart, Nicki I finna cook" my mama walked into the kitchen

Thoughts 💭

Do y'all like the quotes at the beginning of the chapters?

Beyoncé won the case.

Nicki's people are in town.

For the next chapter to go up, I need y'all to vote and comment.

And go read some of my other books.

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