Chapter 3:Anti

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(The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy)

May 3

"Get up, your mom is here" I get up going downstairs
"Hi mommy" she looked at me, I think she detected fear in my voice and she walked closer to me
"What's wrong baby" I was going to tell her but Master came in view
"Nothing I l-love you, that's all" Master gave me a look, that I know all to well
"It was nice seeing you momma" I turn around going back up the stairs, tearing up I hear the front door close then Master came into the room
"Your not slick, get your ass up before I beat the hell outta you" I get up fast
"Strip" I do exactly what Master says I roughly get forced onto the bed, then Master climbs between my legs and chuckles
"I know you were thinking about telling your mom about what i do" Master got from in between my legs and planted both legs, at my sides I heard Masters' knuckles crack, then Masters hands were around my throat the grip go tighter and tighter
"Do you think it's ok to,go against me like that, bitch!"
"No Master"tears cloud my eyes then I heard the room door open, then everything went black


   I woke up in pain, in a hospital bed in a room by myself
"I see your up" the same woman, I met last night said, as she entered the room with a bag of food
"I figured that you would be hungry" then she placed a bag with the words Panda Express on the bedside table
"H-how Long have, I been here"
"About a week, the doctor said that you suffered from internal bleeding and a mild concussion, your all bruised up and you have two broken ribs and your nose is broken"
"Thank you for the information"
"Your welcome" a silence fell over the room but it was a comfortable silence
"I-I never got your name" she looked up from her phone
"Onika or Nicki, I usually don't tell people, my real name because of the business I'm in, but I feel like I can trust you" after that she looked back down at her phone
"You might want to eat something, because you're getting released today" I nod grabbing the food and opening the styrofoam plate
"Beyoncé Knowles" the doctor walks in the room
"You need to go to the pharmacy to get your prescriptions, and if seems like your nose was broken for about two days and your rib was broken for three and you are malnourished so we've been pumping you with fluids, I need you to sign your discharge paperwork" he gives me the paperwork and and a pen, I sign what I need to then he gives me my prescriptions


  Nicki and I pulled up to a nice condo, we got out and went inside and she sat on the couch, then I follow suit we sat in silence
"Why was KG beating you"
"Because I disobeyed Master" she looks at me
"Why do you call K Master" I shiver
"Because Master owns me"
"You know slavery ended in like 1865"
"So how long was, KG beating you"
"Ten years" I choke up while playing with my wedding ring
"So you guys and married"
"Yes we've been married for, 15 teen years"
"How old is KG, 50"
"And your 28"
"Yes" I get scared
"I don't like that, you're scared around me, but I get it KG struck to much fear inside of your heart don't worry about KG the prison system is taking good care of that"


Thoughts 💭

I'm going to reveal Masters gender in chapter 5, so stay tuned.

If you want to be featured in the story comment your name and, a role you would like to be.


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