Chapter 10:Calling it Quits

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(In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can)
June 1

I wake up and take care of my hygiene, then I go to the closet to get my clothes as I browse my clothes I hear Nikas voice
"Mornin" she sat up and stretched
"Goodmorning" she got out of the bed, then she went to the bathroom she came back with her toothbrush in her mouth and she was looking through the closet for something to wear, then her phone rang she picked it up and then she put it on speaker
"Onika Tanya Maraj is the anywey to talk to ya one an only mama" her eyes shot open
"Mommy I'm so sorry" she ran to the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste and wash out her mouth, then she came back
"So how's my baybe doin"
"I'm doin good mama"
"Is ya eatin, do I 'ave to come down there and feed ya" Nika chuckles
"No ma I'm eating very well, and I would really love it if you did come down here"
"Imma come and imma bring errbody"
"Ok tell Ming, daddy and Caiah I said hi"
"Okey baybe we'll be there tomorrow"
"Ok love you"
"Love ya too" she hung up the phone then she yelled with scared me
"Maria!" She shouted, then a woman came running into the room
"Yes ma'am"
"Cut alat yes ma'am bs" she chuckled
"Girl anyway what you want"
"Yo ol fake ass anyway,I need you to go grocery shopping"
"Oh-shit is mama Carol coming"
"Yes and I need every meat, and every vegetable and Caiah and Ming comin to so I need everything in the snack isle, and my daddy comin to so grab some beer and his favorite stuff" she pinched the bridge of her nose
"So just buy the whole damn store"
"Basically Yes"
"Alright I need your black card" Nicki went to her purse and pulled out a shiny card, she gave it to Maria then she left the room
"Carmen!" Another woman ran into the room
"Damn Nika I was watching something"
"I don't care, I need the house cleaned and after you clean the house can you drain the pool, and please make sure that you call Rosa,Kita,Rozz and James to help you clean"
"Oh-shit mama comin ain't she"
"Yes"she said in a whimper
"Ight I'll have all of that done"
"Ok thank you" Carmen left the room, then I got dressed

I wake up and take care of my hygiene, then I go to the closet to get my clothes as I browse my clothes I hear Nikas voice"Mornin" she sat up and stretched "Goodmorning" she got out of the bed, then she went to the bathroom she came back with her ...

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Then nika got dressed

"Are you ready Bey""Yes" Nicki grabbed her purse and her keys, then we went to the car and got in

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"Are you ready Bey"
"Yes" Nicki grabbed her purse and her keys, then we went to the car and got in

At the courthouse

"Bey don't be afraid to testify please"
"O-ok" we get out of the car and walk into the courthouse, we walk into the court room and we stand in front of the judge
"Do you Beyonce Knowles-Garnett, promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth"
"I do"
"And do you Kamil Garnet promise to tell the truth"
"I do" after that she leaned over and whispered
"So you went of and found you a famous bitch huh"then she chuckled and walked over to her table, then I was called to the stand then her lawyer came up to me
"So Beyonce did my client really beat you or are you trying to overtake her Fortune"
"Yes she did and,I still have bruises on my body from the experience and Kamil was nothing until I got with her, Kamil was dead broke because her parents kicked her out and left her penniless"
"So what you're saying is that you helped her with her issues"
"Yes and in return all I got out of it was abuse and heart ache, by the one person I thought loved me my own wife"

    To be continued

Thoughts 💭
Beyoncé is getting balls.
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