Chapter 9:Home to NYC

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(Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough)
May 15

Nicki and I are going back to New York,and we're packing our bags , I admit I had fun with her and my family, Nicki brings out the happiness inside of me and I love it, Nicki and I say bye to my parents and then we leave their house and go to the airport

Houston Airport

We get escorted to Nicki's private jet, I look at Nicki and she looked sleepy
"Are you sleepy"
"Naw I'm just practicing on how to die, duh bey I'm sleepy" she chuckles then rolled over on the bed, Nicki is so funny

We get off of the plane, and we walk to Nicki's private car that was waiting for us, then went home


When we got home we sat on the couch then,Nicki rolled up a joint then she lit it then she took a long pull from the blunt and she held it for about 30 seconds, then she let the released the smoke from her nose
"Do you want to try"
"I-I don't know Nika, it would be my first time"
"I'll just walk you through it" she gave the blunt to me then she told me to, pull so I did
"Slow down Bey" she took the joint and I started coughing like crazy

After the smoking session

Me and bey are sitting in the living room, eating junk food and we smoked like 4 blunts
"Yeah" I asked as I put a Oreo into my mouth
"Can I ask you a question"
"Go head"
"Ok so say if you pee in the water at the lake, would the fish taste your pee?"
"What Beyoncé" I laughed as I put some popcorn in my mouth
"And how don't we get a disease when we swim, like don't we swim in the same water with people with aids?" she ask as she put a chip in her mouth
"And what does water taste like?" I furrowed my eyebrows and laugh
"Baby girl remind me never to get high with you again" we laughed then we turn our attention back to Martin

Thoughts 💭

Bey got high for the first time 🤦🏽‍♀️.

Nicki and Beyoncé are getting closer.

Follow me for the next chapter

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