Chapter 7:You and I

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(Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it)
May 13

I woke up with bey sleeping directly in front of me, and I took the time to look at her facial features, it's cute how she frowns in her sleep and how her eyebrows crinkle, it's like she thinking about something hard in her sleep, my phone brought me out of my examination I answer the phone with out looking
"Onika Tanya Maraj, where are you" I roll my eyes knowing exactly who it is, and then I got out of the bed
"It would be nice to get a Hey or a good morning, but you have to call me and start your bitching"
"I wouldn't have to bitch, if you didn't go on a hiatus"
"I'm supposed to be relaxing, Michael you know of all people that's what my doctor said and your dumbass seen me faint on stage, so don't call me with no bullshit about the tour or an appearance because I'm not doing it until my health starts to get better, do you understand me sometimes I have to be Onika Maraj instead of Nicki Minaj "
"Yes Nicki but-"
"But nothing, and tell everyone on my team what I just told you" I hung up before he could say something then I go to my suitcase to get my medications, everything that's been going on with my tour,shows and radio appearances is stressing me out and I hate letting my Barbz and Kens down but I have to do what's best for me and that's get my health right, I walk to the bathroom then I take my pills, to swallow them I cup my hands under the faucet and sit for my hands, the pills went down and I grab my toothbrush and I start brushing my teeth, then bey walked in


I wake up with Nicki not next to me,then I heard the water faucet in the bathroom, I walk into the bathroom and see Nicki brushing her teeth I grab my toothbrush and start to brush my teeth, we finish brushing at the same time
"Goodmoring my lil bey" she kisses my forehead and walks out of the bathroom, and I follow her
"Do you want to go out to eat, cause your parents went to church and your sister went to her friends house"
"We'll get dressed silly" we chuckle and I walk to my suitcase, then I take a quick shower then I get dressed

I wake up with Nicki not next to me,then I heard the water faucet in the bathroom, I walk into the bathroom and see Nicki brushing her teeth I grab my toothbrush and start to brush my teeth, we finish brushing at the same time "G-goodmoring" "Good...

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Then Nicki takes a quick shower, then she gets dressed

Nicki walks into the room "You want to go to IHOP""Y-Yeah sure" Nicki sprays some perfume on her body, then we walk downstairs "Nicki""Huh""Aren't you famous""Yeah why" she asked as she walked towards the front door "You kinda look flashy""For rea...

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Nicki walks into the room
"You want to go to IHOP"
"Y-Yeah sure" Nicki sprays some perfume on her body, then we walk downstairs
"Aren't you famous"
"Yeah why" she asked as she walked towards the front door
"You kinda look flashy"
"For real"
"Yeah but I don't think people would notice"
"Do you just want to get food delivered"
"Yes, Cause I don't want to share you with the rest of the world"
"Awe is my little beybey jealous" she walked up to me and poked at my stomach, making me laugh
"I-i guess you can say that" she then grabs my face and we kiss, and it's like my heart stopped her phone went of and it broke us apart, about 7 minuets later me and Nicki were up in my room eating and watching something called Netflix

Thoughts 💭

Don't blame bey for not knowing what Netflix is.😂

I had to make up a reason why Nicki went ghost for social media, don't hate me.🤷🏽‍♀️

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