rant on my name

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First off I'm not going to say my name. Second off I'm not going to tell you the whole story cuz it's personal and it gets annoying to hear me rant. But my name is spelled with a y when most people spell it with an i. And I'm okay with people of a spelling my name if it's just that but it's the way people pronounce my name after I told them how it's supposed to be said. My name shouldn't be hard to say but apparently to some people it is. And that gets annoying like and sometimes I feel like people do it on purpose. No I'm not talking about like when you go to Starbucks and you try to get a Frappuccino and then they call your name wrong and it's so stupid no I'm talking about when you're like in a public place would like people you're trying to make friends with like say school. You walk up to somebody introduce them and then when they ask you how to spell it or how to pronounce it you tell them and then you know some people get it but to those who don't. It.isn't. hard. just. ask. Don't stretch out the way to make it sound like something else. Just pronounce it like it's an I but it's a y. It's not that complicated and when you truly but you're it by busting up every vowel. That is when I hate you, you become one of my least favorite people. So for future reference if you ever meet me. I tell you how to say my name say it that way. Don't go and be like a substitute teacher reading my name off of what's it called seating chart because if you do you become one of my least favorite people and I won't be your friend so know it's a y not a I but you should pronounce it like it's a I

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