today has been great!!!!!

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Ok so I have been sick recently and it sucks but today has been super awesome so let's list off the awesome things about today shall we let's see: mark uploaded a scary games video and it was really funny even if laughing made me cough a bunch, That_Emo_Gamer uploaded a chapter of her Aaron x reader book thank you and it was awesome!!!!!!, speaking of uploads HKpika has uploaded a bunch of chapters, JoseTheKraken is writing a new book called starstruck and is is super good even if it is the first chapter :), I found another (G/t) oneshot book by CassidyLee_ and I love it hope she feels better soon and over all today I got to relax and not stress about personal stuff so yeah I'd say today was awesome and just the best!!!!! Remember to look for the positives in your day and try to be happy! Well imma go see you later peace.

Edit: I just realized that I got 49 reads thank you I thought no one would read this you guys make my day!!!!!! :))))))))

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