fosters home for tinies pt. 1

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So if you couldn't tell with the theme and the title this is a sort of parody to the old cartoon foster home for imaginary friends. Now I did this because I had the idea and this may be a short multi part series on this book but of course you can still use the idea for your own book. Anyways just so you know this oneshot will have YouTubers and it will be G/t so that's a thing and I know this a/n may be long but I need to get the idea across so you can understand what's going on. In this is add my own small head cannon to the G/t community in the form of human/predator cross breading and how I imagine the storage stomach works. I also make the reader insert the giant instead of the YouTubers like in most books and oneshots. (I also want to add that that's fine I like all G/t things but I think the reader or oc being giant could be cool) anyways I'll let you get to the oneshot this is almost 200 words. Bye.  also fair warning there will be swearing and hurtful language used so be warned.


*reader p.o.v.*

Okay you might be wondering '(y/n) how did you end up in this mess? 7+ tinies and a predator all in one house!" Well let me tell you the story of how it all began
~*generic flashback noise*~
It all started when I was born. Well not all of it but you know back story and what not. My mother had me and hours later got two important pieces of information. 1. My dad was a predator. And 2. I was abnormal. See when your mom is a human and your dad is a predator ,or the other way around, it can lead to some odd genetics such as a human with predator teeth or a storage stomach. In my case I got the second listed option. Yep. I got the storage stomach. And it came in handy sometimes I would eat more food than needed and keep some in the second stomach and nobody had to know. That was until one day three years ago I was in school last year of high school to be exact and I was at lunch when one of my so called friends came up to me. They lead me to the back of the school where they then took out a small box with holes cut in the top. They told me to eat what was inside and to not ask questions. Me being me I asked what was inside and why it was important. They of course had to respond with two simple words that haunt me to this day "a tiny". I'm sure you can imagine my shock and terror when they told me that but then they went on to explain that they were once like me. A half breed and they finally embraced their predator side when they first ate a tiny. Now I had may questions about the whole thing but I had just realised that there was a small human in my hands essentially and I had to protect it. I wasn't going to eat something alive I made that choice long ago when my parents told me about my "difference" and I of course chose the non-predator option and my dad respected me for it especially since even though he was a predator he didn't like hurting things it wasn't in his nature. But back to now. Or well three years ago but still. I came up with a plan I would store the tiny and wait till the end of the day and when I got home I would release it so it could live it's life. I lived alone in an apartment so I didn't have to worry about my dad incase his instincts took over and he tried time hurt the poor tiny. And so I put my plan into motion. Opening the box I saw a small tiny. (And by small I ment undersized.) It had short brown hair and wide bright blue eyes that were wide with shock and terror. (Know who it is yet (~⊙□⊙~) ) I smiled softly at him and calmed him down my friend looking at me evily as if I was going to betray the tiny. Get it's hopes up then knock them down but they were wrong cause all I did was store them I got a bunch of spit in my mouth so I didn't have to touch him with my tongue and carefully swallowed him and put him in my storage stomach I told her he was gone and she believed me I went to the rest of my classes and then home. I lifted my shirt and popped the little tiny out of my bellybutton  (yeah so quick story here skip it if you want but if you want to know why I did this then keep reading. Okay so in all of the G/t things I have read it was never explained how tinies got out of the storage stomach. Some people say they get coughed up, some say *cough cough* other things but the point is we never learn how I tiny is truly released. That is till I realized one thing. Everyone has a bellybutton. Now you might be thinking "but of course everyone has a bellybutton what dose that have to do with anything?" Well to that I say it's the perfect size. Think about it tinies aren't that big, it's in the name, and neither are bellybuttons so who's to say that there isn't a intestine connected to the bellybutton for tinies to go through. (It wouldn't be the weirdest thing this fandom has come up with) now I don't know if this has been come up with before so I don't claim the idea but that is the idea I'm going to use from now on with this community. Okay I have wasted enough of your time get back to reading bye.) I apologized for all the trauma they went through and told them they could help themselves to the food in the kitchen and such since they seemed under weight. But my love for the small creatures aside, Danny was the first tiny I met who I decided to implement into what I like to call the "Foster Home for Tinies " I take in tinies who have lost owners or have been taken to me by my a-hole boyfriend who wants me to be like him. A predator. Not a half breed. And honestly he sucks. Like a lot. But I put up with him. Why? Well that's that's a long and boring story but to sum it up its because: our friends shipped us and he liked me. A rumor spread that we were dating so he decided he would ask me to be his girlfriend. And however much I told him no he was persistent. So I gave in. Dumb I know but I couldn't tell him why I didn't want to be with him (it's because I'm bisexual and like a girl) I haven't come out yet, But back to the task at hand, yeah...I take in tinies.  I love the small creatures. They're so cute! I just love them but I talked about Danny earlier right? Yeah I think I did. Danny was the first tiny that I have met that wanted to be my friend, I met him when Jason  ( my boyfriend) thought using our relationship against me was a good idea. He brought him home in a small Tupperware container that had holes poked in the top. He told me to and I quote 'eat the thing in the box without question and he wouldn't break up with me' yeah no. So I told him no he flipped his lid going full crazy ass boyfriend on me yelling things like 'YEAH WELL YOU'RE A BITCH!' , 'I BET YOU'RE OFF SCREWING OTHER MEN WHEN I'M GONE!' and so on. To get him to stop yelling at me I told him I would eat the thing in the box when he left and only when he left.  quiche of the box in my hands and stormed out the door slamming it behind him.  let's just say Danny was very scared of what was going to happen next. But all I did was open the box, already knowing what it was by the distressed squeaks, and carefully take him out. I apologized for Jason and how much he sucks then let him go, but he didn't run off like the rest of them no he stayed in his spot and looked at me. He then thanked me for getting him out of the box and explained that he was left behind by his owner at a bus stop, that's how Jason found him, because he was waiting for his owner to get back, and he just picked him up telling him that he was going to be 'taken somewhere special' and when he heard about the eating stuff he was terrified. We bonded and soon he just lived in the house. Over the course of about eight months we met all the others who now live with me, and that's all the back story you need door now.
~*generic flashback over noise*~

And yeah that all you need to know till next time bye.

Yeah you saw the title I might do a part 2 this has the most words for a chapter in have written ever. So I hope you liked this it took me a long time to make it. Imma go peace.

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