1. Acrophobia- fear of heights
2. Aerophobia- fear of flying
3. Amathophobia- fear of dust
4. Amaxophobia- fear of riding in vehicles
5. Androphobia- fear of men
6. Ataxiophobia- fear of disorder
7. Botanophobia- fear of plant and flowers
8. Bacillophobia- fear of germs
9. Clinophobia - fear of clowns
10. Chemophobia - fear of being alone
11. Dendrophobia- fear of trees
12. Ecclesiophobia-fear of churches
13. Eremophobia- fear of being by one's self
14. Euphobia- fear of good news
15. Eurotophobia fear of female genitals
16. Gephyrophobia -fear of crossing bridges
17. Gerascophobia- fear of growing old
18. Glossophobia - fear of speaking in public
19. Katagelophobia- fear of ridicule
20. Lyssophobia- fear of going insane
21. Ochlophobia- fear of crowds
22. Oneirophobia- fear of dreams
23. Pluviophobia- fear of rain
24. Pogonophobia - fear of beards
25. Sciaphobia - fear of shadows
26. Taphephobia fear of being buried alive
27 Teratophobia- fear of monsters
28. thalassophobia- fear of the sea
29 Tocophobia- fear of childbirth
30. Xenophobia fear of the colour yellow
31. Zoophobia- fear of animals
DiversosHere are some psych-facts!! All credit for these facts goes to Pinterest.