How it started

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You can skip this bit if you want to, it's just an intro.

When I was 13, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It's an invisible illness, and it greatly impacted (and still impacts) my life. When I was 13, I was a sporty, smart, friendly girl with a fairly good life. I played basketball, I loved running, I went horse riding in my spare time, had near perfect grades at school and had plenty of friends.

Things changed after I got sick.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS for short) is an invisible illness. I don't look sick, I look healthy. Because of this, a lot of people misunderstand what living with my condition is like, including my closest of family.

I didn't want to ruin relationships with my siblings and parents, I didn't want to hurt feelings, I didn't want to stress anyone out, I didn't want to be a burden.

So whenever I felt tired of it all, or upset, or frustrated, I would write.

I wrote down all the things I wanted to scream out to the world.

One day, while feeling particularly invisible and tired of my feelings being unseen, I went through what I'd been writing and picked out the most important parts, before sticking them to my wall.

I've been doing this for around three years now, and my walls are covered in little bits of writing on little bits of paper.

I want someone to read them.


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