Chapter 2: The train

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Your POV

Whelp, today is the day I guess. It's the 1st of September and it was 1 minute to 11 o'clock. I went through the barrier with my parents. As we passed the barrier, we were met with the scarlet train that everyone was boarding. I was amazed as I turned back to my parents.

"See ya later bud we're gonna miss you" My dad said as he ruffled up my hair.

"Please be good and stay out of trouble. If I get a letter you're going to get it" My mum said strictly before fixing my hair and hugging me.

"Mum....." I groaned.

"Okay. Quickly, get on the train" My dad ushered.

"Bye" I called out to them.

I got on the train and waved to my parents for the last time and went to find a compartment.

As I was walking a boy with platinum blonde hair walked up to me.

"You're Y/N L/N aren't you? Name's Draco Malfoy. Your father's a friend of mine and we could be too, what do you say?" He says while extending his hand.

"Sure" I said as I shook his hand

We walked to the compartment that his friends were in.

"Guys, this is Y/N L/N he'll be joining us from now on." Malfoy said.

After introducing themselves, we started chatting. There were 3 other boys, the 2 big ones were Crabbe and Goyle while the skinnier boy was Zabini. Hogwarts started coming into view so we changed into our robes.

Time skip to when you get on the boats

We were lead to the boats by a guy called Hagrid I believe. I got into the boat with the others and we sailed to Hogwarts.

"Say L/N what house do you want to be in?" Malfoy asked.

"Well I don't know all of them are amazing but I'm sure I won't be in Ravenclaw obviously." I said while the others chuckled

"Well, I hope,No,will be in Slytherin." Malfoy said proudly while the others nodded.

I gave him a look that said 'nice'.

Time skip again

We finally arrived at Hogwarts and we were going up the stairs when we were met with a Professor.

A/N: Please vote for this story and comment anything you want me to change. Thanks!

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