Chapter 12: The Yule Ball

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Your POV

It was an early Saturday morning. Students were either in bed or talking about an upcoming event. Some were taking a stroll outside, enjoying the weather. I however was on the Quidditch pitch by myself. I like coming up here, it helps me relax. Why was I up here again? Oh yeah, the Yule Ball. I'm going to come out clean and say that I'm pretty nervous.

Snape had told us about it yesterday. He also told us that missing it was unacceptable. The worst part is, we're required to dance. Let's just say I can't dance even if my life depended on it. I'm so going to make a fool out of myself. Let's see, I have the robes, shoes and all but who should I ask to the ball? My first thought was Hermione.

She just thinks of you as a friend and nothing more. Only because Krum asked her! I snarled. Krum that little git. He beat me to asking Hermione to the ball.


"Hey Granger, fancy seeing you here. Looking for me?" I grinned at the brunette in front of me. Instead of scoffing like I expected her to, she smiled and gave me a hug. Strange. "Yes in fact I was. I need you to help me with an assignment. I raised my eyebrows, "Am I dreaming? The great know-it-all Granger needs my help on an assignment?"

"Oh grow up," she rolled her eyes, "I need your help with Transfiguration since, you're the best at it."

"Thanks for the compliment, Granger. I knew you admired me," I laughed when she tried to protest but cut her off, "Let's go to your favourite place shall we?" I walked with her to the library. I helped her with her Transfiguration assignment about animagi. How ironic is that? Anyway after the work was completed, she brought up the Yule Ball topic.

"So Y/N, who are you bringing to the Yule Ball?" She asked me. I tensed up. "Oh, well I haven't asked anyone yet." Then an idea popped in my head. "'re going to the ball right?" I asked the girl in front of me. "Yes, I am. Why?" She asked confused. "Since you're going, will you be my partner then? We can go just as friends of course, I know you have eyes for Weasel." I said bitterly.

Luckily she didn't notice. A slight pink hue rose to her cheeks and she looked at me guiltily "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'd like to go with you but you're a little too late. Krum asked me just this morning, and I can't just bail on him. That'll be rude," she stated as a matter-of-fact, "Again, I'm sorry Y/N but good luck on finding someone."

Flashback end

I huffed, Well, there are those girls you rejected... And that is also true. Yes, the past week has been extremely annoying. Third year and fourth girls were coming up to me asking if I would like to be their date for the Yule Ball to which I denied. I don't even have a clue to who half of them are! I even rejected them politely yet they still got mad and luckily none cried although a few came close.

I hate this. Besides, those girls aren't even that good looking! That is if you count layers of makeup and slutty personalities. Or maybe just because...none of them are, her. Merlin, I'm starting to sound like a lovesick girl! I ran a hand through my hair. Who else should I bring? Well since about 90% of the girls in Slytherin are too young or just terrible, I think I'll go alone...


A voice called out from the ground under me. I looked down to see a girl. Astoria! Why didn't I think of that! I touched down and hovered beside her.

"Good morning, Greengrass," I greeted her, "What are you doing this early on the pitch?" I asked the girl curiously. It's about 9:00 a.m. Girls do need their sleep don't they?

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