Chapter 11: The First Task

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Okay guys just adding something, italics like this are your thoughts. Anyway enjoy the story!

Your POV

The judges have decided that Harry should stay in the Tournament. The first task is tomorrow so he better be ready. Hagrid had shown him the next task and Madame Maxime so now everybody knows what they're facing. Sometimes Hagrid just doesn't think things through! They're facing against dragons. For some reason, Ron is jealous of Harry and it's really tearing 'Mione apart. Her two best friends for years are now sneering at each other when they see one another.

She's been trying to get them to apologise to each other but they're both too stubborn. "I can't believe those two!" She huffed angrily after Ron refused to face the infamous Harry Potter. "Maybe you should give them time?" I asked her suggestively, "Maybe they'll suck up their pride and apologise? It's not that bad," She looked at me blankly and that's when I knew I fucked up.

"Not that bad? Not that bad?! Those two are not even able to physically be near one another and you're saying it's not that bad?" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation. I flinched when her hand almost hit me in the face, "Look Mione'," I said, "Sooner or later, they're going to make up. It's a Gryffindor thing, I'm sure of it," I said confidently. "Fine, we'll see how it goes, but if they don't make up by next week...." She trailed off. "You can hex me as much as you like," I said without thinking and a look of horror made its way on my face.

"Uhh, I mean-" She cut me off, "It's settled, I get to hex you as much as I like," I cursed under my breath, why is my mind so stupid! I let out a sigh of defeat, "Look, you win," she gave a smug look before grinning. That was the first time she smiled in almost a week. That made small smile stretch across my lips. "Let's go head to the library!" She said giddily. My smile faltered but luckily she didn't notice. Krum's always in the library and he'll try and make a move on Hermione.

No. I'm not letting him. Anyways, 'Mione is with me, so I don't think he'll do it," We walked towards our usual table and sat down. She took her book out and started reading. I don't have to read the title to know what she's reading. "Aren't you ever going to get bored of reading the same book over and over?" I questioned her, "Besides, there's more books out there for you to read instead of an old history book," She looked up at me.

"To answer your question no, I won't get bored and I know there are other books but this one is still my favourite." Of course she would say that. She went back to her book. I looked at her. I admired her features, those chocolate brown eyes that were now darting across the page and her freckles. I feel like a love-sick puppy. "Is there something on my face? You've been staring at me for awhile now," She asked me snapping me out of my trance.

"No, not at all. I'm just admiring you, you're very pretty," Her cheeks became pink. "Er, ehm. Thanks, Y/NN," She said flustered. Good thing she wasn't weirded out. I felt someone burning holes into the back of my head. I turned around and there he was. Krum. I gave him an equally cold glare. He turned away after a short while. I smirked to myself and snickered. She'll never like him. He's like, 4 years older.

"I'm getting another book, I'll be back," she said, standing up and walking to a shelf. Krum was watching her like a hawk. Personally I don't think he's a bad person, I just don't want him near Hermione. He knew I was watching him. Maybe that's why he's not saying anything to Hermione. She walked back to the table with a pile of books in her hand. "Let's go," she said while grabbing her bag.

"There's no way that you're going to read all that," My eyes scanned over the title of the books, Charms, a book I've never seen and more. "As a matter of fact I am," She said and I believe her. "Suit yourself, just don't read to much. You'll be much more of a know it all, and we don't need that," I said remarked. She scowled at me and smacked my shoulder, "You're a jerk you know that?" I smirked at the Gryffindor, "I could be your jerk if you want me too," I raised my eyebrows suggestively to get smacked once again. "Aggressive one aren't you? Hermione ignored me and went to check out her books. I followed her and we left the library. "Just follow me!" I just did a weird salute while she sighed frustratedly.

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