Chapter 7: Sirius Black

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Your POV

We were walking about before we saw Fudge, The Minister Of Magic and Professor McGonagall heading towards the three broomsticks. We of course followed him. He stopped in front of the three broomsticks and a woman came out and greeted him. "That's Madam Rosmerta," Hermione told us about the woman, "Ron fancies her." She added disgustedly. "I do not!" Ron countered. I took another look at her and wow she doesn't really look bad. "She doesn't look so bad, to be honest." I said, "See, Hermione! She looks great." I laughed at Ron before Hermione scoffed before mumbling something that sounded like 'boys'. "Guys, shut it. I'm trying to listen to their conversation." Harry hissed.

"I trust business is good?" Fudge asked. "It'd be a right sight better if the Ministry wasn't sending Dementors into my pub every other night." Rosmerta said while glaring at the Minister. "We have a killer on the loose." He said. Madam Rosmerta's expression changed from an angry one to a shocked one. "Sirius Black? In Hogsmeade! And what would bring him here?" She asked. Fudge replied with something I struggled to hear if Madam Rosmerta didn't shout it out. "Harry Potter!" He then looked around before ushering the two women into the bar.

We went to speak to Harry before seeing him gone. As soon as I noticed his disappearance, I looked around for footsteps and I found a pair walking towards the door and disappearing into it. I heard Hermione sigh. "Merlin,What am I going to do with you three."


We were searching for Harry before I saw footsteps at a distance. "Guys, look!" I said catching their attention and pointing towards the marks in the snow. We followed it until it at a rock that sounded as if it were sobbing. I took Hermione's arm, discouraging her from going further, but she does, filling the footprints with her own, then kneeling and very gently drawing the cloak from Harry. He stares into the distance, eyes stinging with tears.

"He was their friend. And he betrayed them," Sirius Black was friends with his parents? "He was their friend" He repeated. His expression then hardened, "I hope he finds me. But when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does, I'm going to kill him." I've never seen him this mad. He must really hate Black at the moment.

A couple days after

After breakfast I found the trio heading to Hagrid's. I caught up with them. "Hello," I looked at their faces which looked grim, "What happened?" Harry looked livid for some reason but he replied, "Black entered the tower and attacked us, I could have just got him" He muttered angrily. But how? He needs a password otherwise it would've been impossible. Hermione answered me fortunately.

"He had the password written on a piece of paper," She said, "It was Neville's, so he wouldn't forget the password." Neville who? Oh Longbottom that poor excuse of a Gryffindor. We arrived at Hagrid's and he was in a suit.... I guess that's nicely to him. He looked as if he'd just cried. "How'd it go, Hagrid?" Hermione asked, "Buckbeak liked London." He replied. What? Oh yeah he had a hearing.

"I meant the hearing." She said. Hagrid let out a sniffle, "Oh. That. Well, I got up an said my bit -- You know, how
Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff an' as long as yeh treated 'im with respect, he'd treat you the same." Yes I had to agree on that, Buckbeak was nice it's just that Malfoy taunted it. "Then Lucius Malfoy got up an' said his bit -- you know, how Buckbeak was a deadly dangerous beast that no teacher in their righ' mind would expose their students to..." Well, now I know the whole Malfoy family is crap.

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