Chapter 10: Durmstrang and Beauxbatons

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Your POV

The next morning after Dumbledore's announcement of the Triwizard Tournament, I made my way to the great hall for breakfast. After sitting down at the end of the table, I ate some toast and bacon while waiting for the mail. Soon enough about 20 owls flew in towards their respective owners. I saw my family's messenger hawk swoop down on my shoulder. I tossed him some bacon to which he ate happily and nuzzled my hand before taking off.

I opened the letter and read it. It was from my parents, they were replying to the a letter I wrote last night. They said they were excited and wished they could see it for themselves. I jumped when Blaise slapped me on the shoulder, hard. "Blaise, what the fuck!" I exclaimed growling a little. "Whoa, calm down tiger. Just wanted to say Good Morning!" He grinned and I laughed sarcastically at the pun he made.

Yes I have told him about me being an animagus. Last night in fact. He freaked out completely. It was annoying since he asked all types of questions but I couldn't answer them because I was still an animal. He sat down next to me and sipped his drink. "What'd you get?" I asked him. He held out a letter, "It's from my mom." He said nonchalantly. He doesn't really like his mom because of her strict pureblood beliefs.

"Anways, enough about me. What did you get?" He asked changing the topic. "Just another letter from my parents, nothing much," I replied and he mumbled a 'cool'. We got our timetables. "Great we have Care of Magical Creatures with the Gryffindors!" Blaise groaned. To be fair the only Gryffindors I can tolerate are Harry, Hermione and all the Weasleys except for Percy, he's a pompous bitch. "Hey at least we have Potions!" "Yay!" Blaise said in an unenthusiastic voice and I glared at him.

After potions, Blaise and I were heading towards Care of Magical Creatures class in a hurry because we were 5 minutes late. When we arrived, Malfoy was commenting on weird looking things. I scrunched my face up in disgust at the sight of it. "What are those supposed to be?" I exclaimed, a little too loud. "Why they're Blast Ended Screwts of course," Hagrid said, "Cute things aren't they?" I turned over to Blaise and he was looking as disgusted as I was.

"Today we'll just be feedin' em," Hagrid said happily, "I've got frog livers to feed 'em with,". He handed us liver and beckoned us to put our hands in there and feed it. "Merlin, why'd I take this class," I cringed as I squeezed the liver to hard and stuff came out. One of the screwts suddenly jumped to my hand but I quickly dropped the liver and backed away. Blaise was just watching with an amused face, snickering. "Shut up," he just laughed even harder.


A week passed had passed and I was currently heading into the great hall for dinner. I turned the corner when I saw Malfoy pestering the trio with a newspaper. A second year walked by and was reading the same newspaper and I snatched it from him. He tried to protest but when he saw me he fled. I started reading the headline as Malfoy read it aloud for them. It was about Mr Weasley. Ron looked like he was about to explode, guess it's time to step in. "Malfoy leave us alone," Hermione said before I could interfere. "Or what?You're gonna touch me with your filthy hands, Mudblood?" I growled and it seemed like he heard me because he took a step back.

"What did I tell you Malfoy?" I stepped in his face, towering over him, "To not use that word again?" He was cowering like a coward, "Didn't I make it clear what I can do to you?" Then Crabbe and Goyle stood next to him. "Oh, what're you two fat bozos going to do? Punch me?" That made Crabbe reel his fist but I took out my wand and twirled it making him lower his fist. "Go on," I said in a mocking tone of voice, "Try me," Malfoy just sneered at me and turned around, "Watch it L/N, my father will hear about this," he said before walking off.

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