Chapter 6

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Jessica’s POV

Today was Mia’s 17th birthday.

“Wear this!” Claire holds a white dress in front of my face.

“Are you kidding?” Kayla screams at Claire, “She’d look like she was attending a wedding!”

“What do you suppose she wore, eh?”

“This!” she waves a black dress in front of Claire’s face.

“Are you crazy?” Claire asks Kayla, “She’d look like she was going to a funeral!”

“Honestly, Jess’s the type of girl who goes to funerals instead of weddings.” Kayla sasses.

“Guys!” I shut them up, “Isn't this my decision?”

“Fine.” Kayla agrees, “What do you want to wear?”

“This?” Claire shows me the white dress.

“Or this?” Kayla holds up the black dress.

“I pick… the black one.”

“What?!” Claire shouts.

“See?” Kayla shouts at Claire, “I told you!”

“Whatever.” Claire rolls her eyes.

“Here!” Kayla threw the black dress at me, “Wear it!”

I wasn’t comfortable wearing dresses, but at least this dress wasn’t too exposing. Since in my opinion; whatever shows off your legs is exposing. The dress Kayla picked was a sleeveless dress that reached my knees. It was poofy from the waist down, so it kind of resembled a tutu.

Kayla insisted that they curled my hair. And thank god that it was blonde again.

I made a mental note to dye Jack’s hair orange someday.

Once we were all dressed up, we hopped into Kayla’s car, and we drove to Mia’s house.

The place was awesome!

Loud music blasted from the speakers, so loud, that I was wondering why the neighbors weren’t complaining. Everyone was dancing; some even looked like they were closer to doing something more than dancing… if you know what I mean.

“Hey girls!” Mia greets, once we entered the house, “Glad you made it!”

“Thanks, happy birthday.” I greet, though I was kinda shouting, because of the loud music.

“Thanks.” She smiles at me. Thought her smile disappeared once she saw Claire, she gave her a glare and walked away.

Kayla giggled, “I guess she knows about you and Connor…” she teases Claire.

“Shut up!” Claire bushes.

I picked up two glasses of beer. “Hey guys,” I yell, to get their attention over the noise, “Is it fine with you if I go… I have to look for someone.”

“Does his name start with an ‘R’?” Claire teases.

“And end with an ‘N’?” Kayla bats her eyelashes.

“Oh, shut up.” I roll my eyes.

“Anyway; you can go.” Kayla says.

Before I walked off, Claire grabs my arm, pulls me closer to her, and whispers in my ear, “Don’t forget to use protection.”

I push her away from me, “Shut up!!!”

“Okay, okay.” She gives in, though she was still smirking, “Go get em!”

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