Chapter 24

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Before anything, I just like to apologize for not updating last Saturday, which is my updating day. I had to do a running marathon thing, and updating kinda slipped my mind. A lot of stuff happened on Saturday and I nearly cried because of the pressure.

I can’t really put it here, since it would be taking too much room. But to make it short, it was probably the worst day ever! My feet were killing me, because of the 1.6 kilometer run, plus my shoes were too tight and the rest were too scary to type. :P I’m just glad Bianca had to go through the feet-pain with me… but my day was obviously worse!

Let’s just say my past came to haunt me.

Once again, I’m sorry, and expect an update next Saturday, November 1st. I will be going back to my updating schedule, unless something happens. Lol.




Jessica’s POV

I haven’t even read at least two pages from my textbook, and I find myself giving up on it, tossing it aside, and practically grabbing Ryan’s letter.

I unfolded it carefully, like it would fall apart at any moment. Once it was open, I find his handwriting on it. The whole page was practically full, but thanks to his small handwriting, everything just fit into one piece of paper…


I don't fucking know if you will even read this, I bet you’d just throw this away or something, because everything here is probably all shit that I’ve wanted to tell you for days.

But, I guess I could start this by saying that I’m sorry.

That’s it, I’m sorry.

I know I messed up, and that I shouldn’t have dated you for money, because I don't even fucking need it. I guess Connor just got the best of me. If it makes things any better, I didn’t bother taking the money from him.

I know I have this playboy reputation, and that I hurt a couple of girls, so I guess it’s just karma, letting me fall for someone who wouldn’t just forgive me easily.

I know this might sound like something that came out of a fucking book, but I really do love you, and you make me want to be a better person, you make me want to change my ways… for you.

My life is fucking messed up, and I was pretty much traumatized when I was a kid, but… for the last month we’ve spent together, I felt like I could be better, like I could start again.

My parents weren’t even the people they are today. They used to be home all the time; they were the perfect couple everyone wished to be. But they didn’t last like that forever. They started fighting over the littlest things, like on whom would pick Beth and I up from school.

As I grew older, their fights became a daily thing. As the older child, I always tried my best to keep Beth away from them, since my dad didn’t have the best temper. He doesn’t really beat my mother, but he broke whatever he could get his hands on. Once, I even found the eight year old Beth crying over the fact that her ‘daddy’ broke her doll house.

One day though, when I was already sixteen years old, they announced that they would be working abroad, and that they would try to sort things out. But, that day that you left my house, they announce that they’d be getting a divorce, and I don't know… we’re still deciding on things. But mom wants to keep Beth and me.

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