Six (Cling to Love)

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It's always that hug or kiss that makes someone want to jump up and around, right? Mine was always the way that Blake would touch my head before he would leave, or the way he'd touch my shoulder to say hello. I always liked that, and I don't know why.

I sighed as I set my head against the kitchen table, my pencil in hand falling over. I don't want to do this right now, I thought to myself. I had been working on homework since I got home, and believe me, it sucked. I was working on my trig, when my brother got home with Blake...

I had just kept my head down and continued to work, even as Blake had come over to say hello. And now that I was finished with most of it, and my dinner... It was time to clean the kitchen...

I sighed and slowly closed my math and english books, and carefully put away my assignments. Once finished, I stood and took my plate and glass to the filthy sink... Sighing, I turned the lights on and grabbed a sponge and got to work. First was the dishes, which a pile had accumulated. Then I dried and stuck them in the cabnet. I did it till there was space to see the counter, which was long over due for replacement. 

I shuddered as I touched the sponge to the slime that had grown, and gave quiet little 'ew's' and 'gross!'s. I wasn't used to a kitchen this messy. I hadn't cleaned it in a while, so it was worse than usual. And par- our usual routine, Blake came into the kitchen shortly after I started. He was quick to take the sponge from me and begin to scrub the counter where I was just standing.

"Why don't you wash the dishes Clarity?" Blake's voice was shaken becasue he had to scrub roughly with the sponge to remove anything off the counter. I watched him for a minute before pressing myself to the sink and slowly working on the first dish I grabbed. We worked silently for nearly ten minutes, I was half done with the dishes when Blake turned to look at me. "Why don't you talk to me at school when I try to call you over?" Blake's voice was filled with silent hurt that he covered with slight frustration.

"I..." I looked down at the dish I was scrubbing and bit my lip. "I don't know.. I don't think your group is really my style... You know?" I was quiet and waited for the reply. It didn't come as quickly as I thought it would, but it surprised me.

"Bull. Shit. You get along with me, and all my friends are nearly just like me. What are you so scared of Clarity?" His voice was calm, but was intoxicated with his irrelevant anger. I took a glance at him, only to find him glaring at me. 

"Nothing! I just don't think I'd fit in with your crowd." I muttered.

"'Your crowd'? You make it sound like a disease someone gets ill with!" Blake's voice had raised, and I flinched. I heard a sigh, and looked back up at Blake. "Will you at least come and say hello to me if I wave? It's just me. You don't need to be afraid of me. I mean, come on. The only thing I'm good at scaring happens to be small animals." He smiled at me and I pushed out a laugh through my nose and moved back to the dishes.

"Fine. But I'm only coming to say hello. And that, is it." I said, giving him one final nod.

Then, with that we got back to cleaning the kitchen. Blake, at one point turned music on and started singing along to his music. I laughed at him, and we finished cleaning. When we finished, we leaned against the island, and stared at our work. We had scrubbed down everything, and bleached everything. It smelled, and looked a whole lot better.

"We should do this for the living room later," I said. Blake looked over at me and laughed. 

"Alright soldier, one step at a time." Blake hugged me and smiled. "How about tomorrow. I gotta run. I'll text you later Clarity."

"Okay..." I watched him walk to the table where he grabbed his things. "Oh, hey! You don't have my number!"

"Yes I do," Blake looked back at me with mischevious eyes and gave a playful smile. "I gotta go. See you later Clarity," And with that, Blake left calling his farewells to my brother. 

Author's Note ~

(.(. So sorry this chapter is late. :I I blame my mother for not having internet, and me not getting a phone with data. So, tomorrow, I should be back to writing out chapters. Again, sorry. Anyway. You guys, tell me what you think of the characters so far. I haven't really been that active with author noting, but hey. Why not? But really, do tell me what you think of Clarity, her brother and Blake. Those I think are some of the character's I've introduced. Also, the brother un-named thus far's girlfriend? And feel free to ask questions. :) Thanks for reading as far as you all have if you're reading. ^-^ Anyway, gotta go. With Grandma!.).) ~ June 19th, 2014 8:33AM

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