Five (screams and lies)

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Blake walked with his friends down to his car, his thoughts on Clarity. Why had she lied but changed her mind? It made Blake curious, made him wonder. What if her brother hurt her again? How could he live with that decision to lave her other his best friend.

A gentle hand pulled Blake away from his thoughts. "You alright Blake?" Her voice was cautious, as if she said something wrong, toxic poisons would spill or from Blake's mouth to her. Blake smiled at the girl, and nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine." Blake said, keeping his voice steady. This was the girl he'd had a relationship with for several months. And he stopped having feelings for her when he realized who he really wanted to sleep next to. The girl who he had grown up with through high school.

He couldn't imagine his life without her. Without seeing her, he didn't know what to do. There would be school days when she didn't show, and it nearly crushed him. So, he would visit her.

His thoughts trailed back to three years ago. The first year he met her. It was seven months later he was sitting in the hospital waiting for her to wake up and be okay. He held her hand while she slept, and ended up not being there for her when she woke up, so he could never tell he that he wanted to be with her.

Blake sighed and buckled his seat belt, and turned his truck on. His girl friend laughed softly and he pulled out of the school's parking lot, trying to clear his mind of this beautiful girl he thought so much about.

((A.n. Sorry I haven't done an authors note in this book yet. I just felt it wouldn't be needed, but sometimes it is. This chapter is from Blake's perspective. Third person, yes. But only because I thought it would get confusing if I did it in first person. All third person haters will be from Blake's point of view, so sorry if you got confused. Also, sorry if this was shorter than the other chapters. Blake's parts will be much shorter than Clarity's. Thanks for reading if you've read this far!!! Keep reading!! Thank you again!!))

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