Chapter Two

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[Hey I hope you like this chapter, sorry it took me longer than expected to write this chapter, I was spending some quality time with my niece and time got away from me so with no further delay, here is the second chapter.] Roz<3

Ch. 2

I woke up with a yawn, and stretched out my muscles, I hadn't had any hot dreams about Markus, dame, what a shame, Nell my kitty cat stretched herself awake before climbing onto my chest and rubbing herself all over my face, I pushed her aside, "Nell you silly girl, I know what you want", I grabbed my robe and tied it on, going into the kitchen I grabbed her food bowl and the cat chow, poring it into the bowl, Nell started to meow at me, smiling I placed the bowl on the floor, as soon as I did, she attacked the food bowl like a starving feline.

I grabbed some cereal and milk, as soon as I sat down my cell phone rang, nobody rang my phone, the only reason I got it in the first place was so I could use it for emergencies, "hello?" I answered, there was a pause before I heard a throat clear on the other end, "hi, Gabriella, this is Kyle Anderson", good grief, I sighed "yes Kyle" I asked there was another pause, I could hear mumbling in the back ground, then I heard Kyle sigh, "Marcy was wondering if you could come to dinner tonight, you know for helping me yesterday", he asked, I was a little shocked, nobody really wanted to have anything to do with me, taken off guard I found myself agreeing, "sure, what time?" I asked, there was more mumbling then I heard a "give me that", before Marcy took the phone, "hi Gabriella, This is Marcy, dinner will be at six thirty and a few other pack members will be over, is that ok dear" she asked, after I mumbled a reply she hung up.

Well I feel oddly young, even though I'm far from it, I guess being called dear will do that to you, it was an odd feeling, and the only people that I ever conversed with were Kimmi my friend who lived in an old manor on the other end of town near the lighthouse at the edge of Parish Hills Grove, and Fannel, even though she couldn't talk back it was good to know that she would always look at me like she understood what I was saying.

I went back to my cereal, it was soggy so I dumped it in the sink, and went to go get dressed for work, as I looked into my closet, I flipped through the cloths, I could never find anything to were, I was also color blind, it was so much simpler when the outfit you wore was one solid color, I love the fact that women can wear anything they want to and are not confined to a super tight corset and a heavy dress anymore, but when your color blind and you think your pants match your shirt, it more than likely doesn't.

I settled on a black strapless dress, it had a white lace wrap around the waist, I grabbed the little black jacket to go over it and some black flats, and to complete the outfit I grabbed my witch pendent and I added concealer to my face and some smoky eye shadow and some lip gloss, I then pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, I looked at my reflection and nodded to myself, going back into the kitchen I grabbed my purse and my key's to my truck, "you be good today Nell", I called over my shoulder as I left the house. I stopped to get my usual coffee, I'm a caffeine freak, I know it's bad for you, but if I don't have my caffeine in the morning then I am not a pleasant person to deal with, plus the headache that accompanies the caffeine withdrawal is just not worth it.

After grabbing my coffee I headed to my shop, turning on the lights I realized something had disturbed the atmosphere around the shop, putting down my coffee I took the baseball bat I had behind the counter and decided to investigate, looking throughout the shop everything seemed fine until I got to my office, when I opened the door everything was strode all over the place, my chair was flipped over, papers were everywhere, the walls had big gaping holes in them, like whoever had been in my shop had been looking for a specific item, what a great way to start the day, I thought to myself putting down the bat, I had a sneaking suspicion that Talon had something to do with this, there was no point in calling the police, there was literally nothing they could do, plus I was a powerful witch I could handle my own blood sucker problem.

I grabbed my cell phone and decided to make a special call to the problem, after a couple of rings a girl answered, "hello this is Claudia vampire mistress how may I help you" she asked in a not so sultry voice, I blew out whatever patience I had left with that introduction, "put Talon Guire on the phone now before you really become a corpse", I told her threateningly, there was a pause before she answered, "Miss, Mr.Guire is not available today, but I would love to give him a message for you", she said, I am not proud to admit it but I lost my temper, not knowing what the vampire wanted, put me on edge, "I know your lying little girl, I can feel you heart race and I won't hesitate to kill you if you lie to me again, now I suggest you put me through to him immediately", I told her, I heard a shuffling before there was a beep and then elevator music, "Vampire mistress my ass", I mumbled to no one in particular.

After five minutes of the awful elevator music a gruff voice answered the phone, "Talon" he said indicating that he was on the phone, "Why the hell did you send one of your corpses to ransack my office, and before you answer that I would choose my words carefully if I were you, I can feel the deadness all around my shop ", I said with the deadliest voice that I could muster, obviously it worked because talon seemed panicked "wait what", I heard the phone clatter to the floor, then some curse words before shuffling, "I didn't send anyone to your store Gab's", he said defensively, I hated that nickname, only he called me Gab's, "for the last time don't call me Gab's and second, I know it was you or one of your coven, my office feels like a century old graveyard" I said, going back to the front of the store I grabbed my coffee and started to drink it, "I'm telling you Gab's I didn't do it", he said, unfortunately I believed him, even though nobody knew I was a witch, they knew I was something supernatural, and most didn't want to find out what I was, "ok I believe you" I told him, suddenly there was a noise behind me I whirled around to find a pale, red eyed deranged rouge vampire behind me, "oh shit", I yelled and dropped the phone and my coffee, you could hear, Talon yelling into the phone asking if I was alright.

"Give me the witches' pendent", he said, I froze, his voice reminded me of one of those bad horror movies and it freaked me out, I backed up a few step's only to be lunged at and that is when I screamed, I managed to avoid his lunge, but only barley, I dove for the bat and grabbed it while avoiding sharp teeth and claws, holding the bat like a pro I swung, not only did it connect with the vampires head it also broke the bat into splinters, not even leaving a scratch, I know what you're thinking for a witch that is as old and powerful as I am, I'm a f****** wimp, but just to clarify, the bat did brake, the vampire laughed a rough and creepy laugh, "little girl, give me the pendent and I will make your death painless as possible", he said and then lunged again, this time I wasn't fast enough and he caught me, I struggled to get away I really did, but vamp's are really strong and fast, the only thing to match them in both speed and strength are werewolves, the deranged vampire was leaning his head in for the kill and then suddenly he wasn't, I scrambled backward away from where the vampire had me pinned, when I looked up a very nice tanned muscular backside, uh I mean naked guy, had the vampire by the throat.

When I blinked, both were gone, what the hell had just happened, I asked myself, I grabbed my witch's pendent and looked at it, what did that deranged vampire want with my pendent? The only thing special about it was that it had been in the Dupree family for generations, only being passed down to the first born female child in the family, I couldn't think of anything so I just shook my head and sighed, I looked around the shop, OH MY GOD!!!, the shop was a mess, good thing I hadn't turned the open sign on yet, I decided to leave the shop closed for today and clean the mess that the vamp had made, I sighed then I decided to go home and go back to bed and deal with it tomorrow, I walked around and turned off the lights then I went back to my office and locked it up, leaving the store I decided to put a simple but powerful protection spell on the shop so nobody supernatural or otherwise would be able to get in.

I concentrated on the whole shop itself not paying attention to anything else, I gathered up some energy and shoved it toward the building and muttered the protection spell, the shop glowed for a second, telling me that it had worked, "what the hell was that" a deep voice said behind me, I squealed and spun around only to see the guy that I had been having hot dream fantasy's about for the past several months, Markus. Oh shit!!

[I hope you enjoyed this chapter]

Roz <3




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