Chapter Twelve

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It had been two day’s since the storm had passed, but the steady rhythm of rain outside didn’t improve my worsening mood, I had been lying in bed for the past fifteen minutes listening to the rain drizzle, both Nell and King was at the bottom of my bed curled at opposite ends as if guarding me.

Markus had left the next morning after the storm had passed but not before giving me a gut clenching, head spinning kiss, it had left me breathless and wanting more, I unconsciously touched my lips, I could still feel the burning sensation as the heat had traveled through my body, my mind wondered what it would be like to go all the way with him.

I blushed as an image of tangled sheets, legs and handcuffs popped into my mind, leave it to me to think of something perverted, I groaned and rolled over to my stomach, it was time to get up I had stayed in bed long enough, rolling back over I got out of bed and but my robe on, King stretched as he got up and fallowed me into the kitchen.

Something shiny caught my attention as I entered the Kitchen, my witch’s pendent lay on the counter by the sink, and I stared at it in confusion, my hand went to my throat were the necklace should have been, I didn’t remember taking it off at any point in the past week, I grabbed it and put it back on still pondering why it had been at the sink, I shook my head to clear it and I made some breakfast and sat down to eat it.

After cleaning my dishes I decided that today would be a lazy day not that I hadn’t been lazing around the last couple of days anyway, doing absolutely nothing but fantasizing about Markus in the sack, blushing I walked back to my bedroom and sat on the bed, I hated keeping a big secret like this, but I couldn’t risk anyone finding out.

I got up and quickly and got dressed, I needed to get out of the house, all of these thoughts weren’t good to bode on, as I was shutting my door King nudged his way out of the house and went to go stand by the truck, I locked up the house leaving Nell by herself once again, I needed to get my mind off of everything going on, I opened my door and King jumped in like a domesticated animal, I reminded myself that he was far from domesticated and that he tolerated Nell and me only because he wanted to.

With that in mind I made a mental note to remember not to treat him like a regular house dog, passing my shop I made my way into town, the rain had stopped a few minutes ago but I was still looking like it would rain again, before I knew it I was passing the sign to welcome newcomers to our town, I guess since I was out this was that I would go to Kimmy’s.

 A few minutes later I pulled into her drive, I smiled broadly when I saw her in her garden, Kimmy loved working in gardens, I guess eating what you worked hard to grow yourself was satisfying and yummy, and I could attest to that, a couple of years ago I had helped her with the planting when she had first started her garden, and when everything was ready to harvest I had gotten half of the food that it had produced.

Her garden and grown bigger, now she did exotic flowers, fruits and vegetables and for the fall there was always pumpkins, I got out of the truck with King right behind me, “Hey Kimmy, some of that better be for me”, I yelled at her, she looked up and waved me over quietly, I walked over and peeked over her shoulder, there standing at her knee’s was a baby bunny, it was so cute with its little tale and the ears were just adorable, suddenly the baby bunny stopped and sniffed the air and then it was gone, jumping and running as fast as the critter could go.

I turned my head King looked all predator now with his ears back and his eye’s targeted on the small bunny, “don’t even think about it”, I told him, his ears perked back up and he glanced at me as if to say that’s the ways of life, “Another time then” I told him, he huffed and walked to the porch and laid down, “Is that what I think it is”, my friend asked with a little panic in her voice, I smiled nervously and nodded my head, “But he’s not going to harm anyone”, I added quickly she looked skeptical.

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