Chapter One

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[Hi this is my new story and I hope you like it, this is my second attempt at a story, I like votes, comments, fanning, all are acceptable lol, I take criticism well and I would love it if you commented on anything or had any questions, thanks , ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2012] - Roz <3


First I would like to say that I am a very powerful witch, the powers that I have, are from a line of Dupree decedents and my name is Gabriella Dupree, a very long time ago the vampires and werewolves where at war with one another, the war caused the one's that I loved to die, I was young and angry with both species, a long time ago vampires could go out into the sunlight and the werewolves could turn anytime they wanted to.

All of it changed when the war killed my family, on a stormy night I cast a spell on both kinds, it caused the werewolves to be tamed by the moon and the vampires to be killed by the sunlight, my anger might have been misplaced but I didn't feel guilty about it. The curse changed me too, as long as there where vamp's and ware's I would live as long as their species lived, not aging, I guess that was my curse, so long as the species didn't die out I would live, so I had hand in their existence staying alive.

I run a shop that sells all kinds of things, I guess since I have to keep both vampires and werewolves alive I might as well keep things to help out, and you never know what you might need, I lived in a town called Parish Hills Grove, the town was pretty big, most of the residents were wither vampires or werewolves, the were maybe a few fairies and a human or two, but the humans either had a werewolf mate or a vampire husband.

The local wolf pack is big, the alpha of the pack is named Markus McCain and lord he is one fine hunk, I didn't run into him often but when I did it was like I had glue in my mouth, I couldn't speak to him, I had a couple of wet dreams about him and let me tell you they were hot with a capital H. The local vampire coven is controlled by Talon Guire, he is a pompous asshole, don't get me wrong he's hot too but his attitude and ego are really big for a guy his age, and I'm older than he is and I don't have that problem.

My shop is way on the other side of town and I always get up early to hit the coffee shop up for some caffeine, the cashier has gotten so use to me being there early, she always has my usual caramel and chocolate swirl express cappuccino double shot coffee ready for me, I even have a tab that I pay for at the end of the month. I grabbed my coffee and went back to my truck, I started my truck and I was off to work.

It was going to be a long and drawn out day, by the morning light I had already had five non-human people come in and ask for something that was out of stock, and I had to throw away my coffee because it got cold, I was not a happy person, I finally but a sign on the counter that I was out of my special rosemary sage, and left it at that, by lunch time I put in a hurried order delivery for the herb, and went to lunch before another person came in and complained about something else, I put up a sign that read, OUT OF MY MIND, BE BACK WHEN YOU GO AWAY, sometimes it just wasn't worth all the complaints and headaches I get for dealing with stupid people, I mean how many times can you tell a person that you're out of stock, and they act like it's the end of their world, it gets really tiring and irritating, to say the least.

After my hour lunch break, I ordered some other things that I thought the shop needed, maybe some incense, they were popular, they had some strange names but I heard people loved them, I also ordered a new window set, I liked changing my window settings every month or so. I was just about finished when the bell above the door gave a loud Bing, "I'll be right with you", I called out not turning around, I finished placing my order and wrote the day and time they would be arriving, then I turned around and rolled my eyes, Kyle Anderson, Markus McCain's beta was in the middle of my shop looking around with disgust on his face.

When he turned back to me I raised an eyebrow, "what has you gracing my shop, oh great wolfy one" I mocked, his eyes narrowed at me, he was not in a good mood today, as he walked toward the front of the shop I noticed that he had blood covering his shirt, "Fuck Kyle, what happened, ewww you're getting blood everywhere", I said going from concerned to girly disgust in about a second, he sighed and gave me a blank stare, "I need some healing moss, it's for my wound" he said before sitting down on the chair near my counter, I went to the back of my store and grabbed some the moss, gauze and a jar of my homemade healing goo.

When I came back out he was pale, I quickly pulled his shirt up and wiped up the blood, then I grabbed my tweezers and dug into the wound, he stiffened and ground in pain, when I pulled the tweezers out I had a silver bullet, hunters, I knew he wouldn't tell me anything about what he had been doing prier coming into my shop, so it was no use asking, wiping the rest of the blood off and applying my healing goo, I then put the moss over it and then I wrapped the gauze around his waist.

When I was done I handed him a bag of moss and my jar of healing goo, "you can buy your own gauze", I told him before telling him the directions for the healing herbs, "the goo will help to regenerate you're healing abilities until the silver is completely out of your system, put the moss over the goo until it is completely healed, got it?" I asked before giving him a recite, "What's that for?" he asked, I rolled my eyes, "Did you think this stuff is free, if your that worried about it tell your alpha I'll bill him", I told him before standing up, "oh and tell him I'll be billing for the blood clean up", with that he left my store throwing a "thanks" over his shoulder before the door shut.

After cleaning up the mess I made, I closed up shop and headed to the grocery store for my dinner, some of the towns people waved and said hi, but most kept their distance, nobody knew I was a witch, but they had a feeling that I was more than human, after seeing many years of what humans did to who they thought were witches I knew that I needed to keep myself a secret, plus if anyone ever found out that I was the one to curse the vampires and werewolves in the first place, the said vampires and werewolves would more than likely kill me.

There are a lot of legends about how it happened, none of them even close to the truth, one of my favorites: Is how two little boys grew up as brothers, but they were nothing alike, one was pale white and the other was tanned skin, that wasn't the only differences, the pale one was cold, fast and craved blood and the tanned one had speed and strength, as the boys grew older they fell in love with a girl, not knowing that her mother was a witch, the boys fought over her, but the girl could never choose between the two because she secretly loved both of them, one day the girl was out with one of the boys picking berries, the other got angry and shoved his brother, soon they were in a fist fight over the girl, the winner would get her, trying to stop the fight the girl got between them not knowing the danger of doing so, one ripped her throat out with his teeth while the other ripped her stomach open with his claws, both boy's blamed one another for her death, both vowing to get revenge on each other, after her burial the boys left the tiny town, they mother angry and bitter cursed the boys the pale one never to go into the sunlight again and the tanned one to be tamed by the moon for eternity.

Well the story had the angry and bitter part right, but the rest was just a story that some old fisherman made up while drunk, I know because I was there quietly listening to the whole thing, afterward they man had fallen into a drunken sleep, men were pigs, even the hunky ones, I might look twenty-two, but I was way older than that, and I know how men operate and how they think, even the supernatural ones.

After getting my dinner I went home to my cat Fannel, Nell for short, I fed her half of my dinner and went to bed, Fannel jumped up on the bed and curled herself against my side, and she was such a good kitty but spoiled at times. I sighed, maybe I'd have another wet dream about Markus, which would make my day, and I couldn't wait for tomorrow so I could deal with complaining customers all over again. With that last thought i fell into a dreamless sleep.

[Thanks for reading the first chapter of my new story Witches Curse, I hoped you liked it, I promise to make the next chapter interesting, maybe introduce Markus, or maybe Talon? Comment me and tell me which one you want to be introduced into the story.]




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