Chapter Five

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[Hey guy's I'm so sorry for the wait, it's been a tough couple of months and I thank you for being patient with me.]

I paced back and forth in my kitchen, it was past midnight, so much had happened today that Gabriella couldn't shut her brain off, after what seemed like hours.

She finally sat down and put her head on the table, the table was smooth and cold against her cheek, she laid there for what seemed like forever until she got up. Walking past Nell, she went straight to her room, remembering the old witching book that had been passed to her upon her elder sister's death, she walked over to her bed and got on her hands and knees, reaching under her bed and grabbed what looked like a shoe box.

Pulling it out she sat back up and stood, going back into the kitchen, flipping through the pages she stopped at a page that had: Premonitions, Dreams, and Possessions, I scanned through it, stopping at premonitions.

She read and reread it hoping that it would give her a reason she had had a vision of Cleopatra, then she remembered the vase that she had left in her floorboard of her truck. She grabbed her flashlight and truck keys and made her way outside, pushing the key in the lock she turned it and opened the passenger side door, spotting the vase she reached for it, only to be stopped by a muscular hand, startling her into screaming.

"AHHHHHH" Gabby screamed, in reflex she kicked out and her foot meet a hard knee, she heard a "ouch" in response, she knew that voice anywhere, even though she had only herd the sexy voice a couple of hours ago.

Gabriella turned around and came face to face, well face to naked chest with Markus McCain.

"What the fuck, McCain, you scared the shit out of me, sneaking up on me like that, you should be ashamed of yourself" I yelled at him while he got a very amused look in his eyes.

"I'm only ashamed I didn't do it sooner, if I had known making you angry would turn me on so much, I would have done it a hell of a lot sooner" he winked at me, I huffed and shoved him away, I didn't want what happened earlier to happen again because I was still confused as to what that was.

He smirked at me as if he knew my thoughts, jackass, I thought as his grin grew wider, "What are you doing here McCain?" I demanded to know.

"Well I thought you might need a little protection, just in case another rouge vampire decides to show up" he said surprising her, did he think she was incapable of protecting herself, she thought, she gathered up some energy and zapped him with it, he flew back and landed on his ass, he looked dazed, "Did you think I'm not able to defend myself?" she asked, he glared at her.

"Mate I suggest you don't do that again" he said in a dangerous tone, while getting up, it send shivers down Gabriella's spine, it almost reminded her of a tiger stalking its prey before going in for the kill, she stepped back, not out of fear but because of that unknown chemistry between them.

"L-look, I've been t-taking care of myself for a very l-long time and I don't need you or a-anybody else to look after m-me" she stammered, backing further away from him as he got closer to her, out of reflex, she threw another spell at him to freeze in place, it stopped him for about ten seconds.

He growled at me, the sound was anything but human, I didn't want him to get closer so I used something I hadn't used in a long time.

"STOP" I commanded, he froze in place, I let out a little sigh of relief, that was until he pounced on me, "GET OFF" I ordered, nope that didn't work, I thought to myself as he pinned my arms over my head, "Get off of me, McCain", I said, he just growled at me, that was when I noticed that his eyes were black, damn, I thought to myself his wolf was in control.

As I struggled to get loose, his hold got tighter around my wrist, "Stop struggling or I won't be able to stop him from tacking full control", he barked out at me, I stopped moving altogether, not wanting him to kill me, I closed my eyes tightly, I wondered to myself why my powers wouldn't work on him.

I felt him nuzzle my neck, this is it I thought, I would die today.

"Open your eyes little mate, I would never hurt you", he said, it took me a moment to realize what he said, "W-what did you say", I said hesitantly, he nuzzled my neck again before answering, "I said I would never hurt you little mate", he said with glowing eyes.

I felt my eyes bulge, "I'm not your mate" I said trying to shove him off, but to no avail he stayed put, "Yes you are, Gabriella" he said, him saying my name sent shivers up and down my back.

Then I remembered my older sister saying that her powers hadn't worked on her husband Raphe, I struggled harder to get him off of me but he weighed at least a hundred and fifty pounds more, and most of that was pure muscle, I stilled as his hands left mine to trail down my body.

"I can prove that you're my mate, Gabriella, do you want me to prove it?" he whispered in my ear seductively, I was shaking by now but not out of fear.

In all of my years, I had never felt this way before, of cores Markus was the first man that I had even found remotely handsome, his cold hand sliding up my dress was like a slap to the face, "S-stop" I told him, he gave me a shit eating grin but continued sliding it further up, I couldn't believe that the fates, no my family spirits, would let him continue against my wishes.

Suddenly he was thrown forcefully off of me, landing with a thud about twenty yards from the house, I got up quickly, I thanked whatever spirits were out there that they had forced him to stop, "When I say stop, it means stop Markus", I huffed, he finally got up and walked slowly towards me, his eyes hooded by his thick dark lashes.

"Do you believe that your my mate then?" he said, "or do you need more proof" he finished.

"I don't know, I think it's time for you to leave", I said, when he tried to come closer I threw my hand up forcing him to stop with my shadow spell, "Markus, I can't do this right now, I need you to leave", I said turning away.

"Are you rejecting me?" he asked with sad black eyes.

"I guess, I don't know", I told him honestly, I felt my heart tug at the thought of hurting him, then as fast as I could blink, I was on my back once more, then he had his lips crushed to mine, trying to force them open with his tongue, I was shocked for a moment before I forced my head to the side, I guess he took that as an invitation because he then continued his path down my neck, stopping at the curve on my shoulder.

As he continued to lick my shoulder his hands grouped me, he then forced his legs between mine, giving me evidence of his rather large arousal, I wasn't ready for this, I thought to myself, I tried pushing him off of me once more but it was no use, I laid still hopping that he would stop, I closed my eyes tightly.

"MINE", I heard him growl before he sunk his teeth into me, I screamed in pain, then he was once again thrown across my yard by my family's spirits, I clutched my throat as I ran back into the house, as soon as I shut and locked the door I heard the door being forcefully hit by a body, I quickly did a protection spell, "Gabriella, open this fucking door, now!"

I was terrified that if I did then something would happen that I didn't want to, "Go away" I yelled back, I went to my kitchen and dialed Kyle, Markus's beta number, it rang four times before I heard a gruff voice answer.

"Hello", Kyle said, I sighed in relief "It's me, Gabby" I told him, "Markus attacked me and don't know what to do", I said breathlessly, there was silence before he asked, "Are, you ok" he said calmly.

"No he fucking bit me, now he's acting like a lunatic" I practically yelled, Kyle seemed to take this pretty well because he told me he's be hear in the next few minutes with a couple of pack members.

I could still hear Markus trying to get into my house, good thing I had spelled it, and then there was silence.

[So I hope you liked the chapter] <3 Roz

remember too....



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