Chapter 1

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Connor was sat in a car. Not his car, his cousin's. They were on their way to the airport, for their flight back to the states. They were going to "surprise" everyone. Yeah, surprise that Connor wasn't actually dead and the Connor Project was basically a huge lie because the guy didn't kill himself.

Connor looked over at his cousin. She had the same colour hair as him and Zoe, due to their fathers being brothers, and green eyes, a trait given by her mother. She'd convinced him to go back, that "It's time you reconnect with them, they may not be happy to see you one hundred percent but it'll be good to know you're not actually dead". She'd also convinced him because she'd done the exact same thing as him, faked her death, and when she came back she was kicked out because her mother couldn't deal with her after her fathers death a month after her apparent death and obviously she didn't want Connor to miss out on it and said he'd regret he didn't.

They were currently singing along to the song There is a light that never goes out by the Smiths, a song they called their song as they both connected to the lyrics, which in hindsight was saddening.

After about half an our of driving and singing along to Connor's "emo as fuck" , as his cousin called it, playlist, they pulled up to the airport. Connor sucked in a breath, he was both ready and not. What if he fucked up again? What if everyone hated him and they never wanted to see him again? I mean who was he kidding, he should stay in England and never go back because this was the only place where anyone cared, heck even that person wanted him gone. "Connor," he felt a hand on his back, "breathe," said hand turned him around and placed his own hand on their chest, right where he could feel their heart beat, "follow my breathing, everything is going to be okay, you're going to be okay, maybe not today but you will someday soon." He looked up at his cousin as his breathing levelled and his heart rate slowed down to a more natural rate. "Thanks Riley, I really don't want to go back yet I do, you know?" She sighed, "Yeah, I get it. Felt the same way and I regret my decision as we've been over. Just take the jump and do it Connor or you will regret everything."

They walked into the airport, Connor's hand luggage with him. All he had was a sketchbook, a ukelele and a change of clothes. He didn't have much because taking shit from his room wasn't an option if you faked your fucking death Connor. Everything in the check in and security went smoothly and within 4 hours they were on their flight. A flight that would last over 8 hours. 8 hours of boredom and sketching. 8 hours to get his bearings and figure out what he'd say.

"So," Riley broke what was 3 hours of silence between the two, "where you gonna go first? I'm going straight to my hotel room, you can hang there for a while if you have nothing planned, it's up to you?" Connor though for a second before responding, "I'm gonna give that Hansen kid a visit, see why he even did any of this in the first place. See if he actually got with my sister and if everything was actually a huge joke to him. I don't know? Set things straight?" Riley laughed at this, "Straight? You?" Connor gave a dry unamused laugh, "Very funny Riles, I mean he was a little cute but nah, I don't really know the kid-" "Kid? Connor you're the same age, I'm the one who calls people kid. Not you." "Whatever you dickhead," Connor grumbled.

"I'm going to sleep now, you should too." And with that Riley pulled on headphones and a sleeping mask, blocking herself from the world and Connor, leaving Connor looking out the window at the clouds that passed by before sleep consumed him.

Hours later the plane landed and the two made their way to the hotel, where Riley promptly went to bed. "As if you didn't sleep enough on the plane," Connor had teased, which earned him a wack on the head and a "Fuck off!" from Riley.

A/N: what up famalamadingdong, how's life? Shit? Same. Anyways welcome. I'm currently listening to there is a light that never goes out so funnnnnnn. Also Riley isn't gonna be a huge character btw she's probably just gonna disappear unless Connor needs someone to talk to about shit so yeah. See you next chapter and if you're someone who's currently 'reading' my Klance fanfic then you'll know how that is.
Bai, Katie x

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